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 October 21, 2023

Ilhan Omar doubles down on attacking Israel, attacks Democrats and President Biden for standing by Israel

Rep. Ilhan Omar blasted her fellow Democrats and President Joe Biden for siding with Isreal after the terror attack perpetrated by Hamas on Oct. 7, Fox News reported. The Minnesota Democrat appeared agitated during a press conference Friday.

Many on the left are calling for a ceasefire, but Omar railed against Biden. "How is it that we have a president who is talking about releasing hostages, who is talking about getting American citizens out of Israel, but could not get himself to say, I want to save and work to save the hundreds, thousands of Americans stuck in Gaza?" Omar said of Biden.

"What is wrong with you?" she said. The congresswoman had earlier claimed that "Israel has dropped more bombs in the last 10 days than we dropped in a whole year in Afghanistan" but didn't say anything for the offensive strike from Hamas that started it all.

"How is this possible? Wait, so [are] certain Americans' lives [more] important than another?" Omar fumed.

"Is the American that is living in Gaza less important than the one living in Israel? How is it that you're telling American citizens to go to the south of Gaza, but you can't tell Netanyahu not to bomb the south because there are Americans there?" she said of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Omar went on to call out fellow Democrats, saying it was "painful and scary" to work with people who side with Israel's right to defend itself. She didn't name names, but many believe she was referring to New York Democratic Rep. Ritchie Torres.

Previously, Torres called out "Squad" members for their "reprehensible and repulsive" for their rhetoric following the attack on Israel. Omar and her ilk are instead urging the nations to enter a ceasefire even though Israel didn't start the fight and has its existence threatened.

"And not a single condemnation comes from our caucus leadership or any member of Congress," she said. "How is it — how is it that we are serving in a body, serving in a body where there are members who condemn us for asking for a peace, for ceasefire, the most simplest thing?"

During this tirade, Omar was flanked by fellow squad members Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) and Rep. Summer Lee (D-PA). Lee also spoke at that news conference and shockingly said that "all lives do matter," in a break from the usual lines from her colleagues, Fox News said in a separate report.

Lee also spoke favorably of the resolution for a ceasefire. "I hope and pray that when we exit this crisis, we will be able to say resoundingly, yes, we did enough because we spoke through the noise, and we stood firmly in our belief that all lives do matter — as they said when it was our turn — and that each and every one of them is precious," the Pennsylvania congresswoman said.

"I thank the leaders of this legislation, of this resolution, I thank the leaders who have stood with us, who continue to stand, who continue to come, and that your work will not be in vain and that we call for a ceasefire now," Lee added. Omar and Pressley nodded approvingly as Lee spoke.

Previously, the Black Lives Matter movement condemned those who expressed sentiments such as "all lives matter." The fact that Lee would use that phrasing, especially in relation to a conflict, is shocking.

What isn't shocking is that Omar would seemingly take the side of the Islamic terrorists. With one notable exception, Omar routinely makes disparaging remarks regarding Israel and its right to exist.

While a ceasefire sounds like a move for peace, in truth, it's actually a cry for Israel to do nothing in the face of total annihilation. This is shameful and unreasonable, even for someone like Omar.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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