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By Mae Slater on
 June 5, 2024

Hunter Biden’s Wife Reacts As Laptop Revealed At Gun Trial

Hunter Biden is facing allegations related to a 2018 gun purchase while he was allegedly a drug addict, with dramatic moments unfolding during the trial.

The Daily Mail reported that the trial centers on whether Hunter Biden knowingly lied about his drug addiction when purchasing a firearm in 2018. The trial has brought forward several emotional testimonies.

Jim Biden, Hunter’s uncle, is set to testify about Hunter’s efforts to stay sober. Meanwhile, Hunter’s half-sister, Ashley Biden, appeared visibly emotional during the proceedings.

Other family members, including Hallie Biden and Kathleen Buhle, are expected to testify about the frequency of Hunter’s drug use in 2018. Additionally, Zoe Kestan will also take the stand to provide insights into his behavior during that period.

Details Of The Allegations

The core allegation is that Hunter Biden lied on a firearm report. When asked if he was a drug user or addict, he answered “no.” This is pivotal because financial records show large cash withdrawals, which the prosecution argues are consistent with drug purchases. Notably, $5,000 was withdrawn on the day of the gun purchase.

Two Delaware State Police officers and Edward Thomas Banner, who discovered the discarded gun, will testify about their findings.

Prosecution’s Case Against Hunter

Prosecutor Hines argues that Hunter’s numerous attempts to enter rehab and his significant cash withdrawals demonstrate his awareness of his addiction. Hunter’s own memoir, detailing severe drug use, was presented as evidence to support this claim.

Hines highlighted excerpts from Hunter’s memoir where he describes his drug use. The prosecution also noted Hunter’s digital evidence, obtained from his iCloud and laptop, correlating his emails, photos, and text messages with drug use and large financial transactions.

Defense Counters With Different View

Defense attorney Abbe Lowell emphasized that the government must prove Hunter's awareness of his addiction at the time of the gun purchase. He argued that Hunter’s actions, such as entering rehab and having a sober coach, did not align with someone who saw themselves as a drug user at that time.

Lowell suggested that the leather pouch containing the firearm, which had cocaine residue, could have been used by Hunter’s daughters. He also noted the absence of Hunter’s fingerprints on the pouch, questioning its direct connection to him.

FBI Evidence Presented

FBI Agent Jensen provided critical testimony about the digital evidence from Hunter’s iCloud and laptop. This evidence included emails, photos, and text messages that indicated drug use and significant financial transactions.

This digital forensic evidence was a key part of the prosecution’s argument, illustrating Hunter’s drug transactions and usage patterns.

Jury Dynamics And Reactions

The trial commenced after the loss of one juror, who was replaced by an alternate. Throughout the hearings, both the prosecution and defense observed mixed reactions from the jury.

The jurors’ reactions are being closely monitored, as their perceptions will be crucial in the final verdict.

Financial Transactions Under Scrutiny

Detailed financial records were presented, showing Hunter's withdrawals of up to $14,000 per day. These transactions were scrutinized, with the prosecution arguing they were linked to drug purchases.

Significant payments for rehab were also highlighted, painting a picture of Hunter’s financial activities during the period in question.

Memoir And Digital Forensic Evidence

Hunter’s memoir, detailing his drug use, was a significant part of the prosecution’s case. Excerpts from the memoir were used to illustrate his struggles with addiction.

The digital forensic evidence from his laptop further supported these claims, showing a pattern of drug use and related financial transactions.

Hunter Biden’s Sobriety Efforts

Jim Biden’s upcoming testimony is expected to shed light on Hunter’s efforts to maintain sobriety. This is a critical aspect of the defense’s argument, aiming to show Hunter’s intent to stay clean.

Other family members’ testimonies about Hunter’s drug use frequency in 2018 will provide additional context to the case.

Gun Purchase Dispute

The central issue remains whether Hunter Biden knowingly lied about his drug addiction on the firearm report. The prosecution argues that his financial activities and memoir excerpts prove his awareness of his addiction.

The defense counters by emphasizing Hunter’s rehabilitation efforts and questioning the direct connection of evidence to Hunter’s actions at the time of the gun purchase.


The trial of Hunter Biden centers on the 2018 gun purchase and whether he knowingly lied about his drug addiction. Emotional testimonies from family members and evidence from financial records, memoir excerpts, and digital forensic data are crucial in this case. The prosecution argues Hunter’s actions indicate his awareness of his addiction, while the defense emphasizes his rehabilitation efforts. The jury’s mixed reactions will be pivotal in determining the outcome of this trial.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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