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 July 11, 2023

Hunter Biden's plea deal could be delayed: Report

Hunter Biden got the plea deal of a lifetime last month regarding several federal charges he faced in a multi-year investigation. 

According to a bombshell report from Daily Mail, Hunter Biden's plea deal could possibly be put on ice. The outlet reported that the deal could be in jeopardy due to the intense criticism of what was labeled by many as a "sweetheart deal," combined with allegations that Attorney General Merrick Garland lied to Congress about the tax probe.

A Delaware-based federal judge will make a decision on Hunter Biden's plea deal terms on July 26.

News that the DOJ might delay the acceptance of the plea deal came in the wake of multiple high-profile Republicans calling for the deal to be tossed, and intense criticism from the public sector.

The criticism also stems from testimony from whistleblowers who claim that the IRS could have pursued Hunter Biden on much more serious infractions.

The Daily Mail noted:

Republican lawmakers are calling for Judge Maryellen Noreika to toss out the 'slap on the wrist' and 'sweetheart' deal entirely, after whistleblowers from the IRS who investigated Hunter for five years say that he could instead have been charged with a raft of more serious tax and corruption crimes.

"The public has an interest to assess for themselves: is this a sweetheart deal? It certainly appears to be," said Heritage Foundation Oversight Director Mike Howell.

He added, "This information needs to be out and it's in the public interest for it to be out prior to any plea being signed off on."

"If the whistleblowers are correct, U.S. Attorney Weiss' Office should have responsive records that will corroborate the whistleblowers," Dewey wrote in the lawsuit filed by the Heritage Foundation against the DOJ "for failing to release Delaware prosecutor David Weiss' communication records under the Freedom of Information Act."

Dewey continued, "There are events so grave—so essential—to our constitutional order that if we are to keep our Republic, the American people must have a full accounting of the facts."

"A state of affairs where there is a substantial question as to whether the Attorney General misled Congress is intolerable. That is why production of the records sought by Plaintiffs is essential. And why it is essential now."

AG Garland is already in the political hot seat and has been listed as a possible impeachment target by the Republican-controlled House.

Only time will tell if the DOJ adjusts fire on the Hunter Biden plea deal, but if the allegations against Garland are remotely true, a whole new can of worms will be opened.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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