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 June 26, 2024

Hunter Biden's Legal License Suspended After Gun Trial Verdict

First Son Hunter Biden has had his law license in the District of Columbia suspended following a guilty verdict in a federal criminal trial. The suspension, pending a full legal review, places Biden's long-standing legal career in jeopardy.

On June 11, a jury found Hunter Biden guilty of making false statements on a federal form during the purchase of a firearm in 2018 while he used controlled substances. Fox News reported that his conviction led to an immediate suspension of his law license by the District of Columbia where he has been licensed since 2007.

They initiated Hunter Biden’s license suspension, a procedure indicated in the E-filing system of the D.C. Court of Appeals just this Tuesday.

This suspension is not yet permanent. A formal proceeding will soon decide if Hunter Biden will be barred from practicing law in Washington, D.C., indefinitely.

Hunter Biden, who earned his Juris Doctor degree from Yale University, has held his D.C. law license for nearly two decades. Previously, he worked at the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, underlining the gravity of his current legal situation.

The Disturbing Revelations of Drug Abuse

Detailed in his 2021 memoir "Beautiful Things," Hunter Biden's struggles with drug addiction have been public. These issues became central in the trial, as prosecutors used his past drug abuse, confirmed by text messages and testimony from three of Biden's ex-partners, as key evidence against him.

During the trial, texts and personal testimonies painted a troubling picture of his state during the contested firearms purchase. According to his ex-girlfriend, Zoe Kestan, the size of the crack cocaine he possessed was significant.

His ex-wife Kathleen Buhle voiced her concerns about his drug possession's dangers to their daughters, revealing a family deeply impacted by Biden's addiction.

Hunter Biden's attorney, Abbe Lowell, argued in court that despite his client's drug issues, Hunter did not view himself as an active addict at the time of buying the Cobra Colt .38 firearm. This claim became a crucial point of contention during the proceedings.

Moreover, the prosecution pointed to the discrepancies on ATF Form 4473 that Biden filled out in October 2018, where he falsely stated his substance use status.

The arguments culminated in a jury deliberation that lasted approximately three hours over two days, resulting in the guilty verdict that has led to the current disciplinary actions.

Impending Sentencing and Legal Strategies

While Hunter Biden awaits his sentencing later this year, with the exact date still undisclosed, his legal team is not resting. They have recently submitted a motion for a new trial, citing concerns over jurisdiction in the federal court of Delaware.

This motion underscores the ongoing legal battle surrounding Biden's conviction and its potential impacts on both his personal and professional life.

The conclusion of this legal saga will likely depend on the results of the upcoming formal proceeding and any additional court rulings concerning his appeal for a new trial.

The suspension of Hunter Biden’s law license represents a pivotal moment in his career and raises important questions about the intersection of personal challenges with professional responsibilities.

As the proceedings continue, the legal community and the public eye will closely monitor how these developments unfold, marking a significant chapter in the life of the President's son.


Hunter Biden faces a precarious legal fight that intertwines with personal battles, seen through his drug abuse history and its effect on his truthful adherence to federal law. The ultimate decision from the upcoming formal proceedings will set a long-lasting precedent in his life and career.

Written By:
Christina Davie

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