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 October 7, 2023

Hunter Biden's lawyers working to get gun charges thrown out

Hunter Biden's attorney's are working to get special counsel David Weiss’s gun charges thrown out in a move that would completely undermine the entire indictment against Biden.

Biden recently plead not guilty to three charges related to a gun purchase he made in 2018. Biden signed a form indicating that he was not addicted to or using illicit substances at the time despite being addicted to crack cocaine.

It wasn't until the discovery of Biden's "laptop from hell" that the lie was discovered and charges were first discussed. It took nearly five years for Biden to face any legal repercussions for lying on a background check and now his lawyers want those charges thrown out.

It's hard to imagine a regular citizen would have gotten such lenient treatment, but Hunter Biden is the son of one of the most powerful men in American politics, so he is no regular citizen.

The grounds on which Biden's lawyers want those gun charges thrown out are shockingly ridiculous. Thankfully, it seems such arguments will gain little ground in court.

Hail Mary

Biden’s legal team are arguing that a plea deal signed by Biden and special counsel David Weiss, which was thrown out by the presiding judge, should negate the charges because both parties agreed to it.

Biden’s lead attorney, Abbe Lowell, said on Thursday that, "Mr. Biden … will seek to dismiss the Indictment against him pursuant to the immunity provisions of that Agreement."

That plea deal contained a pretrial diversion agreement that allowed Biden to avoid facing charges on the gun purchase. Had the plea deal been accepted by the judge, Hunter Biden would have gotten off with zero repercussions.

Ultimately, Judge Maryellen Noreika rejected Biden's plea deal not because Hunter Biden was getting off too easy for lying on a background check.

Biden's plea deal was doomed by another clause which covered Biden's foreign business dealings. The plea deal essentially protected Biden from any future prosecution related to his corrupt business deals.

The sweetheart deal was simply too sweet and reeked of the Department of Justice trying to protect the current administration. Fortunately, that Hail Mary fell short but Hunter Biden can still get off with zero prison time with a few lucky breaks.

Two-tier Justice System

While former President Donald Trump is facing four different indictments using unprecedented arguments and legal strategies, Hunter Biden will likely never see prison for his laundry list of transgressions.

Not only does this further show that the Department of Justice has been weaponized by Democrats, it further proves that the right politics will get you out of trouble.

While there is still plenty of litigation left to be done, the longer this trial against Biden drags on, the more likely that he will escape a conviction.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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