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 September 29, 2023

Hunter Biden's bank records subpoenaed by House Oversight Committee

Hunter Biden will have to turn over his bank records after House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) subpoenaed them Thursday, The Hill reported. The records are part of an impeachment inquiry into his father, President Joe Biden.

House Republicans are looking into Hunter Biden's alleged corruption and the role his father and other family members and associates may have played in it. Comer subpoenaed bank records for Eric Schwerin and James Biden, Hunter Biden's business partner and his uncle, respectively.

"From day one of our investigation of Joe Biden’s abuse of public office, we’ve followed the money, and that continues with today’s subpoenas for Hunter and James Biden’s bank records," Comer said in a news release. "Bank records don’t lie, and coupled with witness testimony, they reveal that Joe Biden abused his public office for his family’s financial gain," he added.

Comer said that the records that they've already reviewed "reveal a pattern where the Bidens sold access to Joe Biden around the world to enrich the Biden family," Fox News reported. "As the Bidens were sealing deals around the world, Joe Biden showed up, met with, talked with, shook hands with, and had meetings with the foreign nationals sending money to his family," Comer continued.

"This culture of corruption demands further investigation. The Oversight Committee, as well as the Committees on the Judiciary and Ways and Means, will continue to follow the money to determine whether President Biden’s involvement in his family’s corrupt business schemes makes him compromised and threatens our national security," Comer said.

Comer promised the American people "the answers, transparency, and accountability that the American people demand and deserve." Answers are a must, considering what the committee has already uncovered.

So far, they've found that the Bidens and their partners in business raked in $24 million of possible ill-gotten gains between 2014 and 2019. They did this while the elder Biden was serving as vice president by "selling Joe Biden as ‘the brand’ around the world."

This is all while Joe Biden has maintained that he had nothing to do with his son's business dealings, at least at first. Initially, his defense was only about proclaiming his total ignorance and innocence.

However, that's changed as it's clear now that the president had a prominent role in Hunter Biden's business as the carrot dangled in front of business prospects. Instead of disputing this fact, the White House has instead called Comer's proceedings an "evidence-free" political witch hunt in an attempt to deflect.

That's even more ridiculous considering that House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) has uncovered evidence that father and son were both involved in the schemes. Smith believes Joe Biden "was not just aware of his son’s business dealings, but in fact he was connected to them, it has become clear that whether it was lunches, phone calls, White House meetings, or official foreign trips, Hunter Biden cashed in by arranging access to his father."

Smith said the proof will be in the financial records. "While top Biden officials, Hunter’s lawyers, and congressional Democrats have offered little more than disinformation and lies, these bank records will bring us closer to the truth," he said.

"Issuing these subpoenas is an appropriate – and necessary – step to following the facts wherever they lead, and may shed light on the $24 million the Biden family has received in exchange for selling their family ‘brand’ as part of a global influence-peddling scheme," Smith said. Meanwhile, Democrats are struggling to find footing on the shifting sands beneath them.

Instead of sticking with the lack of proof claim, Democrat Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) said Joe Biden is just "guilty of loving his child unconditionally," a separate Fox News report stated. Maxwell Frost (D-FL) similarly said Joe Biden's only crime was that he's "guilty of loving his child unconditionally."

Evidence is piling up that the Biden family is corrupt. Democrats are attempting to run interference for him, but Comer and the other House Republicans are about to hold his feet to the fire in a way nobody ever has.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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