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 June 17, 2023

Hunter Biden testifies in court about child support for illegitimate daughter

President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden testified under oath about child support owed to his illegitimate daughter conceived with ex-stripper Lunden Roberts, Fox News reported. The younger Biden was deposed Friday in Little Rock, Arkansas. 

Roberts gave birth to daughter Navy Joan Roberts, who is now four years old, in August 2018. She was forced to file a paternity suit against Hunter Biden in order to obtain child support payments as he attempted to deny his relationship.

In January 2020, a judge found "with near scientific certainty" that Hunter Biden was, indeed, Navy's father, and he has been paying $20,000 in child support since. However, he has sought in the past to lower that amount which has led to a lengthy legal battle between the parents.

Roberts was in attendance for the deposition, although that step typically does not include the aggrieved party. "Attending Hunter's deposition would have been a strategic choice and perhaps a head game," an unnamed source told the Daily Mail, which broke the story.

"And why not? It's harder for most people to be untruthful about a person in their presence."

The judge in the case, Independence County Circuit Judge Holly Meyer, has been critical of Hunter Biden's tactics. In May, Meyer admonished his legal team for failing to disclose financial information and stated that "the ability to redact is somewhat being abused."

Meyer was also impatient with the parties involved as this legal drama has dragged out for years. "I expect this case to move," she said. "So, get it done."

Hunter Biden has even fought against the child's right to bear his last name. "The Biden is now synonymous with being well-educated, successful, financially acute, and politically powerful," a motion from Roberts' attorneys pointed out.

The rest of the Biden family, including the president and first lady, have failed to acknowledge Navy as the seventh grandchild, the New York Post reported. Even the White House Christmas display conspicuously leaves out Navy in the collection of stockings for the entire family.

Joe Biden's remarks following the White House's "take your child to work day" in April painfully omitted any reference to Navy as well. "I have six grandchildren," the president said.

"And I’m crazy about them. And I speak to them every single day. Not a joke," Joe Biden added.

"Matter of fact, I just got finished going through the calls. And only one of them answered the phone," he joked, though it seems unlikely that Roberts' daughter was one of those called. "But at least I got to leave a message," Joe Biden added.

Of all of the sleazy things Hunter Biden has done, abandoning his biological daughter with the support of his family is the worst. Perhaps that's why Clint Lancaster, Roberts' attorney, is pushing for a criminal contempt conviction for the deadbeat dad.

So far, Hunter Biden's connection to power in Washington, D.C., has allowed him to do as he pleases and remain above the law. Hopefully, for the sake of his daughter Navy, that streak will be broken with this case.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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