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 September 1, 2023

Hunter Biden infiltrated Obama administration while making deals with foreign agents

New information suggests Hunter Biden had a cozy relationship with several top officials in the State Department during the Obama administration, Fox News reported. This is problematic as Biden was making money off of lucrative deals with foreign agents while enjoying access to top government officials in the U.S.

An email released to the news outlet revealed that Biden was close friends with then-Secretary of State John Kerry. The correspondence is between a senior Kerry aide and other State Department officials and said that Hunter Biden had asked Kerry to speak at a graduate class at Georgetown University on March 18, 2014.

That class, "The Art of Advocacy: Inside and Outside of Government," was taught in part by Hunter Biden. There are many subsequent emails with logistics and confirmation that Kerry would be there, and many point to a familiarity that goes deeper than just professional bonds.

In the 2013 email, Kerry's then-chief of staff, David Wade, was attempting to set up a meeting between the younger Biden and other high-ranking officials, John R. Bass and Jonathan Finer. Wade arranged a meeting between the younger Biden and Kerry at the Harry S. Truman building, abbreviated HST in the emails, which is the headquarters for the State Department.

At the time, Finer was a top adviser to Antony Blinken, then-Deputy National Security Advisor. Bass now serves as undersecretary of state for management, suggesting that Hunter Biden continues to have friends in high places.

"Just spoke with Hunter Biden, good friend of S, who teaches a class at Georgetown on advocacy," Wade wrote, referring to Kerry. "He'd like S to speak to his class on 3/18."

"If S is here, he'll for sure want to do this. Class would come here to HST," Wade said of the headquarters.

"Can we pencil this in, pls, pending S travel? (Hunter knows that with travel, plans could change.) It'll be an hour somewhere in the 5-730 window, depending on what works best for S," Wade continued.

The subsequent emails reveal that Kerry indeed spoke at Hunter's class. Also notable was that the correspondence was sent within months of Hunter Biden and business associate Devon Archer becoming board members for the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

Moreover, they prove that Hunter Biden enjoyed powerful relationships that are relevant as he faces many corruption charges, including possible violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. The rule was intended to safeguard against foreign influence through such connections.

One of the requirements is that "certain agents of foreign principals who are engaged in political activities or other activities specified under the statute" must notify the Justice Department of their movements and also submit receipts and paystubs for verification that all is above board. This is problematic as Hunter Biden surely should have fallen under the act as he was making money in foreign countries where his powerful father was conducting official business for then-President Barack Obama.

At the very least, Hunter Biden will have to answer whether he was acting as an intermediary for these foreign actors and the administration. With connections to both the vice president and the secretary of state, it's hard to make a case that he wasn't.

It's also noteworthy that Archer and Hunter Biden were friends with Kerry's stepson, Chris Heinz, who was a business associate of the pair at the Rosemont Seneca Partners. Heinz left the partnership after they joined Burisma, though they all remained friends while Kerry was rubbing elbows with foreign heads of state.

There are several trails of corruption or, in this case, questionable partnerships that lead right from foreign actors to Hunter Biden. Whether the government will stop shielding him from legal action to make him explain these things is still anyone's guess, unfortunately.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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