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By Mae Slater on
 June 13, 2024

Hillary Clinton Backs George Latimer Over 'Squad' Member Jamaal Bowman In Primary

Hillary Clinton's endorsement of George Latimer has thrown a spotlight on an already contentious primary race against Rep. Jamaal Bowman, with racial tensions and policy divisions taking center stage.

Politico reported that in a move that could alter the political landscape, Clinton threw her support behind Latimer on Wednesday, just as accusations of racism between the candidates reached a fever pitch.

Clinton's endorsement was made public through a social media post on X, where she emphasized the necessity for committed Democrats in Congress. "With Trump on the ballot, we need strong, principled Democrats in Congress more than ever," Clinton stated.

She underscored Latimer's alignment with President Joe Biden's agenda and his commitment to protecting abortion rights, opposing the NRA, and promoting bipartisan goals.

Rejection Of Radical Left

The significance of Clinton's endorsement cannot be overstated in a primary already rife with tension. It aims to bolster Latimer's campaign by leveraging Clinton's considerable influence within the Democratic Party.

Latimer himself welcomed the endorsement, acknowledging the boost it provides to his grassroots campaign. "Her voice gives even more momentum to our grassroots campaign," Latimer said, highlighting his dedication to delivering meaningful community results.

On the same day Clinton’s endorsement was announced, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, the incumbent facing Latimer in the primary, accused him of racism during an event in Mount Vernon. Bowman characterized Latimer as a puppet of "Republican billionaires" and went so far as to call him both "anti-Black racist" and "anti-Muslim racist."

This explosive accusation has further polarized the voter base, with Bowman's allies, including high-profile progressives like Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, standing firmly by his side. Bowman's critique claims that Latimer is advancing a conservative agenda under the guise of Democratic values.

The primary race, spanning Westchester County and the Bronx, starkly illustrates the internal divisions within the Democratic Party on various critical issues, such as infrastructure investment, social spending, and viewpoints on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

One of the flashpoints in the primary has been Bowman's vote against Biden's bipartisan infrastructure plan, a vote that Latimer's coalition has seized upon to paint Bowman as out of step with Democratic leadership. Bowman defended his controversial vote by asserting his intention was to press for more significant social spending rather than opposing the infrastructure improvements per se.

Latimer's supporters argue that Bowman’s stance was detrimental to district infrastructure needs. This disagreement underscores a broader debate within the party about how to prioritize and balance fiscal priorities, a debate that resonates with many Democratic voters.

Latimer has sought to frame the issue as one of practical governance, contrasting what he describes as his pragmatic approach with Bowman's more idealistic stances on policy matters.

Pro-Israel Support and Party Divisions

Adding another layer of complexity to the primary, Latimer has garnered substantial financial backing from AIPAC, a pro-Israel political action committee. This support has opened Latimer to criticism from Bowman and his supporters, who see it as evidence of Latimer's alignment with conservative interests within the Democratic Party.

Latimer has used this support to position himself as aligned with mainstream Democratic views on Israel, contrasting sharply with Bowman's perspectives, which he argues are too radical.

The infusion of millions of dollars from AIPAC has made Latimer's campaign among the best-funded in the state, enabling him to mount a formidable challenge against the incumbent.

As early voting begins for the primary, the impact of Clinton's endorsement and the underlying policy disagreements between Latimer and Bowman will be put to the test.

The local leaders and labor groups' endorsement of Latimer adds another layer of complexity to the dynamics of the race, potentially swaying undecided voters who are closely watching the developments.

The heated nature of this primary race, underscored by accusations, ideological battles, and high-profile endorsements, points to broader tensions within the Democratic Party as it faces critical elections in the near future.

The clash between Latimer and Bowman is a microcosm of the broader struggles within the Democratic Party, highlighting the challenges of uniting different factions under a common banner. The endorsement from a political heavyweight like Hillary Clinton suggests that this primary could have significant implications beyond just the local districts involved.


It remains to be seen how the accusations of racism, the debates over fiscal priorities, and the influence of outside funding will shape voter sentiment and turnout. With the stakes high and voter opinions polarized, the outcome of this primary could set the tone for future intra-party contests.

The primary battle between George Latimer and Rep. Jamaal Bowman has become a focal point for broader political and ideological conflicts within the Democratic Party.

With Clinton's endorsement, fierce accusations, substantial policy debates, and strategic financial backing, this race is poised to be a defining moment in local and national politics, reflecting the ongoing struggle to balance progressive ideals with pragmatic governance.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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