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 September 11, 2023

Hawaiian lawmaker slams Joe Biden's response to the Maui wildfires

A member of Hawaii's legislature is criticizing President Joe Biden over Biden's response to the Maui wildfire disaster.  

The legislator, according to Fox News, is Hawaii House Minority Floor Leader Diamond Garcia (R). Garcia recently made an appearance on the Fox News Channel's Hannity, where he discussed the recent trip that Biden took to Hawaii.

Biden's trip followed the devastating wildfires that struck Maui. The wildfires destroyed the town of Lahaina and left more than 100 people dead.

Biden's trip to Hawaii was mired in controversy. In fact, the controversy began even before Biden made the trip, when Biden was still on vacation.

At the time, a reporter asked Biden to comment upon the devastation in Maui - particularly upon the fact that the death toll was rising significantly. And, Biden's response to the question was to waive it off and to say "no comment."

Garcia, during his Fox News appearance, said that the people of Maui simply could not believe that this was Biden's response.

After much criticism, Biden finally did decide to visit the island. But, the visit did not do much to allay the criticism. And, this is largely because of how Biden handled himself during the trip.

Garcia, during his Fox appearance, highlighted the fact that Biden "came to Hawaii some time after the fires burnt down the entire town of Lahaina, and, when he came, he came for less than 6 hours."

Garcia continued:

[Biden] landed, did a brief tour, held a press conference – where he literally butchered every single name that he mentioned -- and then went to an event with the local families who lost everything. And, he literally fell asleep in the midst of these families pouring out their hearts and sharing their experiences.

Video is circulating the internet from the community engagement event that was held in Lahaina in August. At the event, around the 19-minute mark of the video, Biden can be seen appearing to nod off.

Some, however, have disputed this, instead claiming that Biden was awake - that he merely bowed his head. Because of the angle of the camera, it is hard to say what definitively happened. But, at the very least, it was not a good look for the president, considering the gravity of the event.

Garcia, during his Fox appearance, also took issue with Biden's attempt, during his trip to Hawaii, to compare the wildfires to an alleged kitch fire that occurred in his home in 2004.

"In the words of the local families here, they're saying what a slap in the face that was. That comment was out of place. It goes to show the lack of basic humanity involved here," Garcia said.

If what Garcia says is accurate, then Biden may have lost some serious support in Hawaii.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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