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 May 24, 2023

Harlan Crow refuses to comply with Senate Democrats' records request

Top Democrats have still not given up their efforts to pin U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas into a corner in their attempt to change the makeup of the high court.

According to the Washington Examiner, they're having quite a difficult time doing so.

The Senate Judiciary Committee has requested numerous records from billionaire Harlan Crow, one of Thomas' close friends and supporters, but they're not getting the cooperation they're demanding.

Crow has denied the requests, which center around records of gifts given to Justice Thomas.

The Examiner explained:

Attorneys for Crow wrote a letter to Judiciary Democrats on Tuesday to shut down the request, arguing Congress does not have the constitutional authority to investigate the billionaire’s “personal friendship” with Thomas. Additionally, Crow’s legal team maintains that Senate Democrats do not have a “valid legislative purpose” to request the information, accusing lawmakers of unfairly targeting Thomas.

Crow's high-powered attorneys held nothing back in their letter to the powerful Senate committee, arguing that it lacks the constitutional authority to make such a request.

"Congress does not have the constitutional power to impose ethics rules and standards on the Supreme Court," Crow's legal team wrote.

They added: "The Committee’s stated purpose of crafting new ethics guidelines for the Supreme Court is inconsistent with its actions and the circumstances in which this investigation was launched, all of which suggest that the Committee is targeting Justice Thomas for special and unwarranted opprobrium."

On May 8, Senate Democrats requested that Crow provide a detailed list of the gifts he gave to Thomas or any other justice, to include their families.

“It is clear that the Committee’s investigation is part of a larger campaign to target and intimidate Justice Thomas and unearth what the Committee apparently believes will be embarrassing details of the Justice’s personal life,” Crow's attorneys' letter said.

"Those goals do not authorize the Committee to conduct a congressional ethics investigation of Justice Thomas."

While Democrats would love nothing more than to hamstring a sitting SCOTUS justice, it looks like they picked a fight with the wrong guy.

Crow has unlimited resources to fight at the highest levels, and it doesn't appear as if he'll be backing down anytime soon.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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