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 October 12, 2023

Hamas calls for global "Day of Jihad" following terrorist attack on Israel

Hamas has called for a global "Day of Jihad" on Friday, October 13, following its savage attack on Israelis over the weekend, Breitbart reported. The Palestinian terror group dubbed it "The Al-Aqsa Flood" in honor of the operation that killed 1,200 in Israel, with another 3,000 wounded and 100 kidnapped.

Friday the 13, especially when it falls in the same month as Halloween, is considered an unlucky day in popular culture. Hollywood has tapped into this phenomenon with a slate of horror movies set to be released that day.

Meanwhile, a very real and disturbing horror show occurred in Israel at the hands of the Palestinians. Their bloodlust has only increased after pulling off such an attack on unsuspecting Israelis, who were celebrating a Jewish holiday.

Hamas wants its radical Islamic followers to continue the carnage in fresh attacks carried out worldwide. The Middle East Media Research Institute shared the formal declaration that came from the leaders.

"We declare next Friday, ‘The Friday of the Al-Aqsa Flood,’ as a day of general mobilization in our Arab and Islamic world and among the free people of the world. It is a day to rally support, offer aid, and participate actively," a report from MEMR said.

"It is a day to expose the crimes of the occupation, isolate it, and foil all its aggressive schemes. It is a day to demonstrate our love for Palestine, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa," the statement went on.

"It is a day for sacrifice, heroism, and dedication, and to earn the honor of defending the first Qibla of Muslims, the third holiest mosque, and the ascension of the trusted Messenger," it added. Later, the declaration said, "We call upon the free people of the world to mobilize in solidarity with our Palestinian people and in support of their just cause and legitimate rights to freedom, independence, return, and self-determination."

The unprovoked attack was justified by Hamas as a call to arms for the Palestinians within the West Bank in the area that the Jewish people know as Judea and Samaria. The terror group put out a call to action for Arabs living in Israel to rise up against the nation.

U.S. intelligence officials have sought to downplay the new threats, however. The Department of Homeland Security and FBI sent out "public safety concern" notices to local and state law enforcement agencies, CNN reported.

The official message is that there is no "current specific intelligence indicating a threat to the United States." Still, given her state's high profile and history, New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul has beefed up security at likely targets.

"While there are no credible threats at this time, online monitoring has shown increased chatter from Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and pro-Hamas extremists," the governor said in a news release. Potential targets include Jewish cultural centers, museums, and synagogues.

Similar plans are being enacted all over Europe as Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, president of the Conference of European Rabbis, called the attacks "Israel's 9/11" and said they're bracing for more. "The mood is very dark," Goldschmidt, whose organization is comprised of 700 Orthodox Jewish rabbis, told CNN.

"This was the largest number of Jewish victims in an attack in one day since the Holocaust," he added. "Not during the Yom Kippur War, not in the war of independence did we see civilians killed like this. This is Israel’s 9/11," Goldschmidt said.

The attacks and ensuing atrocities inflicted on the Israeli people are horrifying. However, what Islamic extremists have planned for other parts of the world should be a wake-up call to the evil that still exists.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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