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 July 10, 2023

Gingrich: The Biden administration is 'enormously dangerous' to the survival of the United States

During this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich dubbed the Biden administration “dangerous” to the country’s survival.

According to the former House Speaker, Biden was operating as a “enormous asset” for Chinese communism, as Breitbart News reported.

“Newt, let me get your take on the field,” host Maria Bartiromo said. “Who has what it takes in 2024 to deal with communist China? And what do you think this meeting with Janet Yellen tells us?”

“I mean, the Biden administration is either corrupt or lives in a fantasyland,” Gingrich replied. "In either case, it’s dangerous to the United States.

"If Yellen actually believes what she’s saying, she’s in a total fantasyland. And when I watch, for example, the secretary of state, who’d been paid, I think, over a million dollars a year by the University of Pennsylvania with money which I think came directly from communist China, I’m not particularly reassured.”

“So I think, whether it’s on a fantasy front or a corruption front, the Biden administration is enormously dangerous to the survival of America and an enormous asset in the creation of a Chinese communist dominant system,” he added. “I think it’s enormously difficult.”

A prior report outlined multiple times when Biden vowed to restore "integrity" and "decency" to the White House before the cocaine scandal that dominated the headlines.

“It’s time we bring integrity back to the White House,” Biden announced on his Twitter page on August 20, 2020. He then went on to call out former President Trump’s “lack of integrity,” explaining that, "I will put the INTEGRITY of my whole CAREER IN PUBLIC SERVICE to this nation up against Trump’s LACK OF INTEGRITY any day of the week."

Additionally, in October 2020, Biden teamed up with Vice President Kamala Harris in Phoenix to kick off their campaign bus tour, and, as she posted on her Twitter page, “to fight for our democracy and bring integrity back to the White House."

In October 2019, Biden stated that, “President Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in modern American history,” and continued, saying: "It’s got to end. We must restore integrity to our government and ensure our elected officials work for all Americans — not just the powerful."

And again in September 6, 2020 Biden said “We need to restore honor and decency to the White House.”

Later, in October 2021, Biden explained, "I ran for president for three reasons: To restore the soul and decency of our country.

"To rebuild our economy from the bottom up and the middle out. And to help unite our country. We’re on the right track — but there’s still work to be done."

Written By:
Charlotte Tyler

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