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By Mae Slater on
 May 13, 2024

Fox News Anchor Attacks Marjorie Taylor Greene Over Efforts To Remove Speaker Johnson For Betraying Conservatives

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo recently challenged Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene about her controversial move against House Speaker Mike Johnson amid an election period.

Newsmax reported that Bartiromo confronted Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene regarding her pushing a vote to oust Speaker Johnson on the brink of a pivotal election year.

During the interview on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures," Bartiromo questioned Greene's decision to introduce a motion to vacate Johnson's position, especially considering the proximity to significant elections.

Bartiromo made it appear like Greene was some kind of disruptive force and her questionable defense of Johnson is in line with what conservatives can expect of Fox News. The reality is that Greene should be cheered for standing on her principles and demanding Johnson step down for his traitorous conduct.

Bartiromo Raises Concerns Over Republican Unity

Greene, a Republican from Georgia, had made previous attempts to remove Mike Johnson, a fellow Republican from Louisiana, highlighting a growing rift within the party.

Her attempts included an unprivileged motion in both last week and earlier in March, demonstrating her persistent dissatisfaction with Johnson's leadership, particularly regarding budgetary issues.

Greene's push revolves around her discontent with Johnson’s handling of a $1.2 trillion spending package, which was passed with substantial Democratic support and included funds for Ukraine amidst its conflict with Russia.

The spending bill in question faced notable opposition from conservative elements within the House, aligning with Greene's stance against the bipartisan support it garnered.

This discontent culminated in a motion to vacate which brought to a head Greene's ongoing conflicts with Johnson's faction of the GOP. When put to a vote on a Wednesday, the motion was overwhelmingly defeated, with a bipartisan vote resulting in a 359-43 tally against Greene’s move.

Such a distinct division in the vote underscores significant support for Johnson among both Republicans and Democrats, challenging Greene’s position within her own party.

Electoral Implications of Congressional Conflicts

The undercurrent of these events is the looming 2024 presidential election. The Republican Party, aiming to position itself solidly against the incumbent, President Joe Biden, faces internal disputes that could sway public perception.

Former President Donald Trump, playing a pivotal role as the presumptive Republican nominee, indirectly influences these congressional maneuvers through his interactions with key players like Greene.

During the interview, Greene admitted to consulting Trump regarding her actions against Johnson. She claimed, “I just spoke with President Trump yesterday about this, and while he says now is not the time, I'm gonna be listening to him.” She emphasized Trump’s perspective that "it may happen that the time may come."

Despite her admission and Trump's suggested timing, Greene hinted at continued readiness to challenge Johnson, reflecting broader tensions on strategic alignments within the Republican Party.

“People want a Republican Party that will fight,” said Greene, justifying her stance and reflecting a segment of the party's base that favors assertive, sometimes confrontational, leadership styles.

This complexity in internal party dynamics poses a question on unity and strategic coherence as Republicans gear up for the next presidential election cycle.

Summary of Events and Outcomes

Greene's attempt to displace Johnson, despite being rebuffed by a significant majority in Congress, continues to stir discussions on leadership and direction within the Republican Party.

As articulated by Bartiromo, these conflicts, especially timed just before an election, risk causing disruption that could impact both public perception and internal party strategies.

As the 2024 presidential election draws closer, these internal strains will likely play a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of the Republican campaign and its chances against Biden.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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