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 August 30, 2023

Four national polls show Donald Trump beating President Joe Biden

Four national polls show former President Donald Trump beating President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election, the Western Journal reported. It seems voters agree that Trump's legal woes are not enough to overcome Biden's failures in office.

In the latest Schoen Cooperman Research poll, Trump is up 45 to 44 against Biden. While that is not statistically significant, analysis of the poll points to a greater issue threatening Biden's reelection hopes.

Democratic pollsters Carly Cooper and Douglas Schoen say that Trump still leads despite four indictments because Biden is a worse alternative. "The country’s frustration with inflation and wariness toward the idea of Vice President Kamala Harris being an 80-year-old’s heartbeat from the presidency are two of the many drags on President Biden’s reelection chances," Cooper and Shoen wrote.

“Inflation fatigue has fostered widespread economic pessimism. Only a third of voters (33 percent) believe the U.S. economy is headed in the right direction, while most (58 percent) say it’s on the wrong track," the pollsters pointed out.

"In addition, voters are nearly twice as likely to say that their personal financial situation has worsened over the last year (42 percent) rather than improved (22 percent)," Cooper and Shoen added. This same result favoring Trump showed up in at least three other polls, some more promising than others.

Emerson College Polling showed another close matchup for a do-over of the 2020 election between Trump and Biden. Likely voters chose Trump with 46% of the vote compared to Biden's 44%.

Better still was the McLaughlin & Associates poll that revealed 47% chose Trump while 43% favored Biden. However, the most promising numbers for Trump came from the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll.

The survey found that 38% of respondents wanted Trump as opposed to 32% who chose Biden "if the election for president were held today." The election is still more than a year off, but the early polls speak volumes.

Biden will have to overcome the reality that many Americans have been hit hard by inflation and will blame him. Families are watching costs for staples like food and gasoline skyrocket while their incomes remain stagnant.

A little more than a year ago, inflation hit 9.1%, making for a 40-year record high, Politico reported in July 2022. Although the rate of inflation may have slowed, prices on most things have not returned to their lower price points.

The president has also allowed illegal immigration to surge out of control. In May, Border Patrol set a record by apprehending 10,000 migrants per day as the administration allowed Title 42 pandemic protections to expire, Fox News reported.

In fact, illegal immigration has gotten so bad that even sanctuary states and cities are crying uncle. New York City Mayor Eric Adams begged Biden to declare a state of emergency at the federal level to funnel money to the cash-strapped city as it struggled to care for the influx of migrants to the city, NBC News reported.

Democrats are hopeful as Trump is facing four separate indictments in an unprecedented legal struggle, CBS News reported. Of course, they all came curiously at the time when the 2024 campaign was getting serious and it became clear that Biden is losing ground.

Trump still has an uphill climb, but Biden's serious issues continue to crowd out the former president's struggles in the minds of voters. Much can happen between now and November 2024, but things are looking brighter for Trump by the day.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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