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 February 21, 2024

Former FBI official suffers "sleepless nights" as record encounters at the border include hundreds on the terror watch list

Former FBI official Tim Healy warns that hundreds of potential terrorists are flooding into the U.S. amid the historic border crisis, Breitbart reported. Healy, director of the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center under President Barack Obama, said the problem has caused him "sleepless nights."

Speaking to Fox News Channel's America's Newsroom Monday, Healy shared his experience tracking individuals on the terror watch list caught crossing the border. This problem has increased exponentially under President Joe Biden's watch.

"[F]rom my perspective at the Terrorist Screening Center, the last three years, you’ve had 336 known or suspected terrorists arrested between entry points in the southern border. If you take the past four years, fiscal year ’17, ’18, ’19, and ’20, you had 14," Healy pointed out.

"So, that caused us, from my perspective, sleepless nights," he added. What's worse is that those numbers only reflect the ones who were caught.

It's Out of Control

During his tenure, Healy saw nothing like the number of dangerous individuals they're seeing now. He had a system for weeding them out and watching them that worked well when it was just a handful of people.

"[W]hen I was the director of the Terrorist Screening Center I had a program, I called it the gold program. And every day I was briefed on the encounters, we averaged 100 encounters a day, and I’d have them highlight in gold the ones that weren’t pending FBI cases," Healy explained.

"We’d average one or two a month. So, maximum, 12 to 24," Healy said, underscoring the increase to hundreds under Biden.

"And I was concerned about those 24, because those weren’t — those were encountered in the U.S., typically by law enforcement officers, unknown to the FBI. That’s somebody that’s on the watch list unknown to us," he continued.

"So, I was concerned about those 24 and made sure the FBI was working those cases. Now, there [are] 336. And then, plus the gotaways, so, it’s a significant problem," Healy warned.

Biden's Role

The problem with potential terrorists coming across the border is the direct result of Biden's lax border policy. Customs and Border Protection reported a record-breaking 302,000 migrant encounters in December as the crisis continued, Fox News reported.

Moreover, the previous record had just been set in September and the new record is the first time ever that encounters topped 300,000. Unsurprisingly, Biden's mishandling of this crisis has tanked his approval numbers on the issue, with just 26% of Americans approving of the job he's doing with 76% disapproving.

As Healy warned, it isn't just how many are crossing the border but also who they are and where they come from. Amid the sheer numbers being processed, a trend has emerged with the newest border crossers coming from China in record-breaking numbers, a separate Fox News report noted.

Biden's border issues have moved beyond economic and humanitarian and now threaten national security. As Healy warned, this problem is worse than ever, and it seems the Biden administration is not at all interested in making it stop.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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