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 October 5, 2023

Former ESPN host recalls 'sad' interview with Biden, noting his cognitive decline

With the exception of the liberal media and his Democratic allies in Congress, most of the country has witnessed the sad decline of President Joe Biden's cognitive health.

His struggles are evidenced on a weekly basis, from falling down to trailing off in the middle of a speech to inventing brand new words.

According to Fox News, former ESPN host Sage Steele revealed her 2021 encounter with President Biden during an interview on Bill Maher's "Club Random" podcast, where she held nothing back regarding his cognitive struggles even then.

Steele emphasized that while she's not a fan of President Biden politically, it's the human aspect of the whole thing that bothers her. She also slammed the president's family for allowing someone in his state to be paraded around.

"Honestly, I don't like him," Steele said. "I think he's a terrible president. However, forget that. The human aspect of what we're witnessing right now with him, to me, is heartbreaking. And it's inexcusable by the family when you knew during the election."

She recalled her interview situation with the president, pointing out oddities that she heard while waiting to interview him.

"It was satellite, it wasn't in person. We're having a technical issue. And so I had to, like, BS. I had to chitchat waiting for us to start rolling," Steele said.

She added, "Well, what he started to do, of course he has someone next to him and they keep a black, like, curtain over the lens of the camera, so you can't see him until the last second, but you can hear and we're chitchatting… So I can hear him and he goes, ‘What is this for?’… And he's, like, ‘Who am I talking to? Wait—what's her name?'"

Maher chimed in, noting that it sounded "like a ‘Naked Gun’ movie."

Steele continued telling Maher a number of instances where she couldn't believe what she was hearing from the U.S. president, and how bad it sounded.

"I thought it was so sad because I realized that's why he was in his basement during the whole election cycle. Because even then, he couldn't finish his sentences. He struggled. So forget about politics, I don't care, I didn't vote for him. However, that made me sad."

Numerous polls have shown that U.S. voters are also concerned about the president's age, and his cognitive health, which is posing a real problem for the Democratic Party as far as the 2024 election is concerned.

There's a growing contingent of observers who do not believe President Biden will be the Democratic nominee. Only time will tell.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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