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 September 14, 2023

Former Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill admits that she and other Democrats laughed at Joe Biden

Former Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill, who is now working as an analyst for MSNBC, admitted that she and her fellow Senator's had been "laughing" at then-Vice President Joe Biden.

During a Wednesday interview with Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, who recently wrote that both Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris should step down, McCaskill admitted that Biden has been a laughingstock for years. 

McCaskill stated, "I remember us laughing sometimes at Joe Biden when he was vice president in the cloak room of the Senate. I mean I wasn’t laughing, sorry, Mr. President, but other people were kind of making fun of him. Al Gore, same thing. Dan Quayle, same thing."

Weirdly enough she immediately attempted to defend Vice President Harris by saying "Vice presidents have a tough job," immediately after betraying the fact that powerful Democrats have been laughing at Biden for years.

Dumb and dumber

President Biden's time in office was a mistake from the beginning and statement's like McCaskill's further reinforce American's suspicions that Biden is only as powerful as he is thanks to idiocracy.

After mocking Biden, McCaskill went to bat for Harris saying, "I mean, this is a woman of great accomplishment… Why is this Kamala Harris a problem instead of an asset?"

McCaskill failed to mention one accomplishment that Harris can claim in her three years as Vice President of the United States.

Harris is one of the least popular politicians in America today, and with how polarized politics are, that is no small feat.

Ignatius responded to McCaskill by saying, "Why she didn’t get traction with the public, with Democratic voters, I don’t know. But I watched that happen. And I feel like I’m watching that happen now while she's vice president."

Beyond her failures as Vice President, Harris was soundly rejected by American voters in the 2020 Democrat primary. The only reason Biden picked her to be his running mate was because of a promise to pick a woman of color.

Ignatius is being diplomatic when he claims to not know why she didn't "get traction" with Democrat voters in 2020 as he knows exactly why she wasn't popular. Harris is unlikable and has virtually no real accomplishments to her record.

Anchor around Biden's neck

The President already has his hands full trying to overcome his own issues and Harris isn't helping Biden's situation.

Biden's reelection campaign needs to hide Biden away from the public due to his advanced health issues. Unfortunately, having Harris be the public face of the President's reelection campaign simply isn't an option.

Harris can't get through a public appearance without going viral for her latest experiment with word salad. Democrats need to wake up and listen to people like David Ignatius before it is too late.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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