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By Mae Slater on
 May 22, 2024

Florida Man Indicted For Making Threats Against Hillary Clinton

Eric Evan Brown, a Florida resident, was recently indicted on multiple federal charges for making threats against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and showing hostility toward Secret Service agents.

WFLA reported that if convicted, Brown faces a severe prison sentence for his threatening actions and aggressive behavior. On April 7, 57-year-old Eric Evan Brown posted a menacing message on his X account directed at Hillary Clinton.

The statement was explicit in its threatening nature with Brown mentioning, "Remember that Mr President Donald Trump I will kill this whole f****** country to get my f****** pedophiles that rape the children of God I will kill you Hillary and I will wipe this country Park to get it."

Authorities traced the IP address associated with the post to an RV park in White Springs, located north of Lake City. Park management confirmed to investigators that a person matching Brown's name was staying there.

Confrontation With Secret Service Agents

On May 9, Secret Service agents visited Eric Brown’s residence to follow up on the investigation. Upon approaching him, agents noted he was armed with a knife clipped to his pants pocket. This interaction quickly escalated when Brown became aggressive, demanding the agents, "Get out of here. I’ll f****** kill you!”

During a tense discussion, Brown insisted that “his past actions were not illegal” and his anger only intensified. As the agents were leaving, Brown further escalated the situation by mentioning, "Hillary Clinton killed by family."

Later reports from RV park management revealed that Brown had previously threatened to kill another resident. Witnesses also observed Brown engaging in physical abuse towards his dog, grabbing and kicking the animal.

The situation led to a grand jury convening to address the threats and aggressive actions displayed by Brown.

On May 15, Brown was formally indicted on multiple charges. These charges include transmission of a threat to kill or injure a person, threats against Secret Service protectees, two counts of forcibly assaulting a federal officer without the use of a deadly weapon, and two counts of threatening a federal official.

Brown made his first appearance in federal court on the following Monday, where it was decided that he would remain detained until the trial. If convicted, the potential prison sentences for his charges are severe: each count of threatening a federal official carries up to 10 years, each count of forcibly assaulting a federal officer could result in up to 8 years, and transmission of a threat along with threats against a U.S. Secret Service protectee could each result in up to 5 years in prison.

Details Of The Grand Jury Indictment

The grand jury highlighted the gravity of Brown's actions in its decision to indict. The charges reflect both the severity and multiplicity of his offenses, aiming to ensure substantial repercussions should he be found guilty.

Each charge—ranging from threats made against high-profile individuals to hostile actions towards federal agents—compounds the severity of potential sentences, illustrating the legal system’s firm stance against such behavior.

Brown’s aggressive stance and repeated threats have brought significant legal troubles upon him. His statements to authorities and behavior towards both agents and civilians have complicated his defense, suggesting a pattern of belligerent conduct.

Authorities remain vigilant in handling cases involving threats to public figures, understanding the importance of swiftly addressing such security concerns.

Focus On Public Safety

This incident underscores the challenges law enforcement faces when dealing with individuals who pose potential risks to public figures and federal officers. The Secret Service’s swift response highlights their commitment to ensuring the safety of those they protect.

Furthermore, the indictment serves as a reminder of the significant legal repercussions that await individuals who engage in threatening or violent behavior.

The RV park in White Springs, where Brown resided, has also been impacted by these events. The park management and residents have had to confront the reality of having such conflicts arise within their community.

Brown's arrest and indictment have likely brought a sense of relief to those who were directly threatened, illustrating the importance of community cooperation with law enforcement in such investigations.


Eric Evan Brown’s indictment on multiple federal charges for threatening Hillary Clinton and Secret Service agents marks a significant development. His aggressive behavior and menacing statements have led to serious legal consequences, reflecting the judiciary's strong stance on ensuring security and upholding the law. If convicted, Brown faces extensive prison time, highlighting the severity of his actions and the meticulous response by law enforcement to threats against public figures and officers.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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