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 January 5, 2024

Fetterman calls on Menendez to be expelled following latest indictment

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) isn't having a great year, especially in the wake of the superseding indictment he now faces. 

Menendez was hit by a federal grand jury this week with new bribery charges related to when he secured "a multimillion-dollar investment from a company linked to Qatar by making several statements supporting the country."

The scheme was reportedly discussed via text message with the developer, according to the charges.

Many in Congress, including Democrats, have called for the New Jersey senator's resignation, including Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA). Fetterman renewed his calls in the wake of the new charges.

"Now, accused of selling his honor and our nation for a $24,000 watch. Accused as a foreign agent for *two* nations. How much more before we finally expel @SenatorMenendez?"

Fetterman was the first senator from any side of the aisle to call for Menendez's resignation or expulsion, and he's sticking to that message in the wake of the latest charges.

The Pennsylvania senator previously compared Menendez's situation to that of disgraced former Republican Rep. George Santos (NY), who Fetterman -- and many others -- said was expelled from Congress for lesser grievances.

A majority of the Democratic caucus has now called on Menendez to resign.

NBC News noted:

The Constitution allows each chamber of Congress to “punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member.” The Senate has expelled only 15 members since 1789, including 14 during the Civil War for supporting the Confederacy.

Social media users reacted to Fetterman's latest call, agreeing with him that Menendez should be out, one way or another.

"This is so refreshing to see. Thank you for standing on the side of truth and transparency, Senator. Especially when it comes to one of your own. Right is right, wrong is wrong. We are one nation. And divided we fall," one X user wrote.

Another X user added, "Couldnt agree more. Menendez should be expelled immediately."

It'll be interesting to see if Democrats follow through and remove him forcefully since he's obviously not willing to do it himself.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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