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 August 20, 2023

FBI whistleblower confirms that the DOJ tipped off the Biden transition team about an upcoming interview with Hunter Biden

An FBI supervisory special agent testified under oath in front of the House Oversight Committee that the Department of Justice tipped off the Biden transition team about a planned interview with Hunter Biden.

That agent told Congress that the Biden transition team and Secret Service headquarters were tipped off in December 2020 leading to the planned interview with Hunter Biden being cancelled.

These explosive allegations are another piece of evidence on the growing mountain of information that confirms that the DOJ is politically compromised and working to protect Joe and Hunter Biden from criminal inquiry.

This testimony also lines up with the testimony of IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley who also confirmed that the Biden's were tipped off.

Rotten to the core

The DOJ is rotten to the core and everything they have done in relation to Joe and Hunter Biden proves that Americans cannot trust them anymore.

The DOJ has been stonewalling and slow walking the investigation into Hunter Biden for years. Then when Hunter Biden was finally charged, the DOJ gave him a sweet heart plea deal that would have completely protected him.

When the judge overseeing that case blew up the plea deal, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed the same U.S. Attorney responsible for that plea deal to act as a Special Counsel.

The appointment of U.S. Attorney David Weiss immediately ignited outrage from Republicans as Weiss has been in charge of the investigation for four years and his performance has been questionable at best.

However, it likely wouldn't matter who Garland picked to act as Special Counsel thanks to the DOJ's rotten politicization.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) stated, "Tipping off the transition team and not being able to interview Hunter Biden as planned are just a couple of examples that reveal the Justice Department’s misconduct in the Biden criminal investigation that occurred under U.S. Attorney Weiss’ watch."

Burn it down

At this stage, the priority for Republicans needs to be winning the 2024 presidential election and retaking control of the U.S. Senate.

Unless Republicans control Congress and the executive branch, there is zero chance of forcing meaningful reforms.

The Department of Justice is in need of a deep cleaning and Democrats will not allow that if they retain control of the Senate or the Presidency.

If Republicans do succeed in claiming the White House and Congress, there needs to be a deep and thorough purge of the DOJ. There will also need to be strict measures implemented to ensure that such naked politicization never happens again.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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