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 June 15, 2023

FBI director confirms they redacted report showing Joe Biden's blackmail recordings

FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate confirmed that his agency redacted a report shown to GOP lawmakers to hide the mention of blackmail recordings of President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, Breitbart reported. Abbate admitted this Tuesday during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

Last week, lawmakers demanded the document from a confidential FBI informant. As it turned out, the Bidens were involved in a blackmailing scheme between 2015 and 2016 and the targets kept audio recordings of conversations with them as an "insurance policy."

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said on Monday that an FBI transcript of the interview revealed as many as 15 recordings of Hunter Biden and two of Biden, who was vice president at the time. However, when the House Oversight Committee was shown the document, all references to those recordings had been scrubbed.

Grassley contended that these classified documents were supposed to be shown unredacted to lawmakers with clearances. During Tuesday's hearing, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) pushed Abbate, the second in command at the FBI, on why that was not done.

"What I will tell you with respect to the document, the document was redacted to protect the source," Abbate explained for deleting the references to the Bidens. Blackburn admonished him for the move that appeared to be partisan rather than protective.

"I think it would be helpful when you came before us, if you were willing to answer the questions, it would help to remove the perception that the American people have — they see you do it every day — and that is politicizing the FBI and using it against the American people who don’t happen to be named Biden, Clinton, or one of the elites," Blackburn told Abbate. She didn't buy his claim that it wasn't political.

"There are two very clear standards of justice in this country. We see it every single day," Blackburn said.

"The American people see this every single day. They look at you and see a politicized entity that is weaponizing an agency of the federal government against the American people," Blackburn chided him.

Americans are tired of the political games that favor leftists. There is now strong evidence that the Bidens were blackmailing someone at Burisma to the tune of $5 million each for the elder and younger Biden, Fox News reported.

With news that there are recordings supporting that fact, the network's Jesse Watters believes it's time to release them. "We believe that Joe Biden has been blackmailed by this for years, which would explain why he acts the way he does," Watters said of the president.

"Ukraine has tapes of Joe Biden. Ukraine has tapes of Hunter Biden," he reiterated.

"The highly credible FBI informant says that the Burisma executive who allegedly bribed Joe Biden $5 million to fire the prosecutor has audio recordings of Joe and Hunter. These audio recordings were kept as an insurance policy in case the Burisma executive got cornered," Watters said.

"Why would the FBI redact the Burisma executive has Joe Biden, then Hunter Biden on tape? Well, they're either covering up for Joe Biden for political reasons or they're blackmailing Joe Biden," Watters said.

There is no good reason to dismiss the claims made by the FBI informant unless it's to protect the Biden family. If they were influence peddling when Joe Biden was merely vice president, there's no telling what kind of corruption is happening now that he's president.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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