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 June 21, 2023

FBI deputy director admits document with details of Biden bribery scheme exists

The growing scandal involving an alleged influence-peddling bribery scheme carried out by then-Vice President Joe Biden is gaining steam. 

On Monday, during an intense Senate hearing, FBI deputy director Paul Abbate admitted that the FD-1023 FBI document that allegedly contains the damning information detailing the bribery scheme actually exists.

The information came about during questioning by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO).

"So no, we’ve confirmed that the document exists, that’s progress because the FBI director originally denied that it exists. Why did he do that?" Hawley asked.

Abbate responded: "We have already and previously acknowledged the existence of the document."

Hawley pressed further, pointing out that the federal law enforcement agency stonewalled repeated requests for the document. Abbate also admitted that the document was not classified.

"Yeah, after you first denied it. When a member of this committee read it. Let’s get the record straight, the FBI director originally said it doesn’t exist. Then Sen. Grassley said he’s read it. Then he said, 'Oh, OK, gotcha, I guess it does exist.' Now you’re going back and forth with members of this committee about what’s in it. Why don’t you just release it? Is it classified?" Hawley asked.

After admitting that the document isn't classified, Hawley continued his interrogation.

"OK. How about just a yes or no? Will you commit to releasing this unclassified document that alleges that the President Of the United States has taken $5 million or more in bribes from a foreign nation?" Hawley said.

After saying that the document had been released to the House Oversight Committee, Hawley asked if it would be provided to his committee as well.

Abbate responded: "Senator, the document, as you know, contains sensitive information that has bearing on the life of the source of the information, potentially."

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) has spearheaded the investigation into discovering exactly what the document contains. He previously learned of the document's existence thanks to a "highly credible," and highly paid, FBI informant.

Only time will tell if the document's full nature is released for public consumption, but one thing's clear -- the FBI undoubtedly didn't want the document to ever see the light of day.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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