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 May 22, 2024

FBI Authorized To Use ‘Deadly Force’ Against Donald Trump In Mar-A-Lago Search

The FBI's search at former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate ignited outrage nationally but new information reveals that the search was so much worse than initially thought.

The New York Sun reported that the FBI was authorized to use lethal force against the former President and his family and that FBI agents reportedly barged their way into every room including the rooms belonging to Melania Trump and Barron Trump.

Special Counsel Jack Smith and former President Donald Trump have filed briefs with Judge Aileen Cannon, disputing numerous facets of the search.

The stakes are underscored by an Operations Order that allowed FBI agents the use of "deadly force" if necessary.

Detailed Preparations And Equipment Of FBI Agents

The specifics of the order reveal agents were prepared with "Standard Issue Weapon[s]," "Ammo," "Handcuffs," and "medium and large-sized bolt cutters." Moreover, agents were instructed to wear unmarked polo shirts or collared shirts and to conceal their law enforcement equipment.

This information became public the same day Trump pushed in his brief for the suppression of the documents and the dismissal of the charges. He argues that the search operation was unconstitutional and not aligned with treatment observed in past cases involving other politicians, indicating a disparity in the treatment of similar cases.

Trump and his legal team have criticized the broad authority granted to agents during the search, claiming it allowed them to photograph private areas of his home, including the bedrooms of Melania Trump and his son Barron, without finding any documents.

In response to Trump’s robust condemnation, Special Counsel Smith submitted a 29-page document arguing that the evidence was managed correctly throughout the operation. He described the investigation as careful and accused Trump and his associates of obstructing the process and deceit involving the retention of over 180 classified documents.

Focusing on the post-presidency period, Smith’s arguments specifically highlight the inappropriateness of Trump retaining classified documents. A discussion of Trump’s presidential privileges was notably absent in his filings, deemed irrelevant to the proceedings about probable cause.

Moreover, it has come to light that at least one FBI agent preferred seeking Trump’s consent for the search, fearing repercussions for both the FBI and the nation at large.

Trump’s Critique And Smith’s Defense Of The Operation

Trump has labeled the search as overly broad and nearly unrestricted, a stark deviation from judicial norms under the Fourth Amendment, which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures. He has compared his situation unfavorably to similar historical cases involving former political figures, illustrating his point of biased treatment.

Meanwhile, Smith's stance is clear, asserting that the collection approach was suitably "measured," and any perceived gaps in the search warrant did not affect the magistrate's decision on probable cause. His filings promise rigorous proof of Trump's unlawful possession of sensitive documents during the looming trial.

Despite calls from Trump to dismiss the indictment based on alleged procedural errors, Smith maintains that the evidence gathered establishes a prima facie case of criminal activity, asserting confidence in securing a conviction at trial, the date of which remains undetermined.

Amid these legal tussles, Trump has intensified his critique, describing the search as a "roving and highly inappropriate illegal raid" and challenging the ethicality of how evidence was cataloged. On the opposing side, a Deputy Attorney General expressed indifference towards the optics of the search, reflecting a focus solely on legal procedural adherence.

Smith refutes Trump's claims that the operation was unconstitutional by arguing that the warrant's details were adequate for gaining probable cause and that its execution was consistently within the bounds of the law.

As the legal back-and-forth continues, both parties are entrenched in their positions, leaving the judicious resolution of these allegations to be highly anticipated.


In conclusion, the Mar-a-Lago search has become a focal point of substantial legal debate, highlighting critical issues surrounding the handling of classified documents, legal standards, and executive privileges post-presidency. With both Trump and Smith presenting grounded yet sharply contradictory arguments, the resolution of this case may set significant precedents for how similar cases are handled in the future.

Written By:
Christina Davie

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