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 September 14, 2023

FBI agent claims that Hunter Biden investigation was free of political favoritism despite testimony from IRS whistleblower

An FBI special agent claims the Hunter Biden investigation was not at all hampered by political favoritism, Fox News reported. This contradicts claims made by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, who alleged President Joe Biden's son received preferential treatment during the probe. 

The agent, whose name is being withheld at the request of the FBI, made this claim during a closed-door interview Monday with the House Judiciary Committee. Representatives are attempting to get to the bottom of allegations that investigators were restricted from fully investigating the president's son.

David Weiss, who was recently named special counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation, has been on the case since its inception. He was previously the U.S. Attorney for Delaware, and Shapley has alleged that he directed the case in such a way to avoid prosecuting the younger Biden and implicating his powerful father.

The agent was asked whether he or she thought Weiss made calls that would "give Hunter Biden some favoritism" for political reasons. "I do not," the agent responded. The interviewer asked whether Hunter Biden was given privileges that average suspects simply would not receive.

"So you don’t think when Hunter Biden’s lawyers were notified of pending search warrants, that wasn’t an example of favoritism?" counsel asked the agent. The agent remained cagey and replied that it was an "ongoing matter" but that "there are various reasons for why those things may occur."

However, the agent then added it "depends," a word that allows the testimony to remain ambiguous. "It’s just, you’re asking me to infer on a matter that I wasn’t specifically involved in at that time," the agent said.

"I don’t know all the facts surrounding it. And so it’s very difficult to make that inference," the agent added.

The agent was then asked whether the investigation was "more complicated" because it involved the president's son. "I think so — I’ve worked and overseen cases that have complications for various reasons," the agent claimed.

"Yes, I’ll acknowledge the fact that I think the media has made it seem like it’s more significant in that sense, but that is not how we picture it, and ‘we’ as in the FBI," the agent conceded. The agent was then confronted with allegations that the FBI ignored references to the "big guy" and "dad" when it may have indicated that the president was involved but never questioned.

"When you add it all up, I mean, there were examples of suggested— where they were told to remove the subject’s name from certain documents, and DOJ officials said: ‘well, it’ll get us most of the information we’re looking for’; the statute of limitations were specifically allowed to lapse; certain types of investigative actions were prohibited or delayed; the investigative team was excluded from certain meetings that in their own mind they weren’t felt they were ordinarily excluded from," the interviewer said. "When you add all these up, I mean, isn’t it difficult to say that there wasn’t political favoritism?" the majority counsel pushed.

"When I add that up, and as I am trying to understand what may have happened before I arrive, and just what little bit I know of the folks presently, I don’t surmise that it had political affiliation," the agent responded. The agent chalked it up instead to "being very deliberate" in the investigation.

The agent stopped short of suggesting that Shapley was lying in his testimony but suggested he rather misunderstood the situation. "I think it's possible," the agent said of some "confusion" on the whistleblower's part.

"And, again, of my understanding, as well as my recollection of the meeting, I definitely think there is either some confusion or misunderstanding in things that were communicated," the agent added. It's more than one man's "misunderstanding" that Hunter Biden was given an advantageous plea deal that would have let him walk on serious charges, had a judge not intervened.

Shapley stuck his neck out to bring to light the problems with the Hunter Biden investigation. Regardless of what the agent claims, it's quite clear that investigators intentionally ignored many breadcrumbs that led right to Hunter Biden's corruption.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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