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 July 3, 2023

Eric Holder offers pathway to get on board with a possible Trump pardon

As former President Donald Trump faces two indictments, with possibly more to come before the 2024 election, some are making the argument that even if a Democrats wins the White House, there should be a consideration of pardoning Trump, if need be. 

According to The Daily Wire, former Attorney General Eric Holder, who served under former President Barack Obama, admitted that depending on the circumstances, he would advise the next president to consider pardoning Trump.

Holder's surprising attitude regarding the idea came about during an interview Sunday with Margaret Brennan, moderator of CBS News’s "Face the Nation."

Brennan asked Holder to put on his "attorney general hat again" and share what he would advise in that situation.

"I want to ask you to put on your attorney general hat again, would you counsel President [Joe] Biden or the next president, whoever that is, to consider a pardon of the 45th president of the United States, either before or after a theoretical conviction?" Brennan asked.

"I think I’d tell the president — the next attorney general — you know, to let the system do its work, try the cases, see what the results are. And then treat that convicted president or anybody else who was convicted as any other person would be treated," Holder responded.

Holder added, "Pardons generally are for people who express remorse and then who have done things that show that they have turned their lives around."

"If those kinds of determinations can be made with regard to the former president or anybody else who was convicted, yeah, I would support that. In the absence of something like that, I don’t think that would be a wise thing to do," he continued.

Holder's thoughts on the issue of pardoning Trump drew mixed reactions across social media, with many criticizing his take on the matter.

"Former AG Eric Holder, better known as Obama’s Wingman, said that Biden shouldn’t pardon Trump, unless he shows remorse & turn his life around!lol😂 Wasn’t this slimeball held in criminal contempt of Congress, for not turning over docs related to fast & furious scandal??" on Twitter user wrote.

Another Twitter user added, "Tell Holder he needs to go get our guns back from the cartels. Remind him he was held in contempt for a reason.

Only time will tell if Trump actually needs a pardon, but you can be sure that the political games played behind the scenes will determine if he ever gets one.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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