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 July 2, 2023

Entire Obama family caught vacationing with Tom Hanks in Greece while complaining about being oppressed

Former President Barack Obama and his family were spotted on a lavish vacation in Greece with actor Tom Hanks while complaining about being oppressed following the Supreme Court's landmark affirmative action decision.

The Obama's arrived at the Greek island of Sifnos in a luxury yacht to join Hanks and his wife, actress Rita Wilson. The Obama's seem to be enjoying a fantastic quality of life and enjoying luxuries that most American's can't even imagine right now.

However, it isn't the Obama's wealth and luxury that is the issue, its their virtue signalling about oppression that is rubbing Americans the wrong way.

Both Barack and Michelle Obama issued public statements slamming the Supreme Court's decision ending affirmative action by citing the role affirmative action played in their own educations.

The Obama's claimed to be oppressed and yet they are fabulously wealthy and living the life of the elite. Meanwhile regular Americans struggle to keep their heads above water while inflation and cost of living continue to skyrocket.

Terrible optics

Photos of the Obama's on a massive luxury yacht, that definitely doesn't have a bigger carbon footprint than most Americans emit in a year, went viral amid their "rage-tweeting" about the Supreme Court.

In fact, the Obama's seem to have a fondness for vacationing on massive fuel guzzling yachts with celebrities that goes back for years.

Many Americans who have endured the countless lectures from Barack Obama about climate change will likely not appreciate seeing more photos of the Obama's on luxury yachts.

First Lady Michelle Obama tweeted, "Back in college, I was one of the few Black students on my campus, and I was proud of getting into such a respected school. I knew I’d worked hard for it. But still, I sometimes wondered if people thought I got there because of affirmative action. It was a shadow that students like me couldn’t shake, whether those doubts came from the outside or inside our own minds."

In that statement, the former First Lady completely undermined the idea of affirmative action while lamenting its downfall at the hands of the Supreme Court.

Affirmative action not only discriminated on racial grounds but it harmed the very people it was supposed to help.

Return to sanity

The fact that it took this long for the Supreme Court to strike down racial profiling in college admissions should shame every American.

Now every American will have an equal opportunity when it comes to admissions to esteemed institutions. For decades, deserving Americans lost spots to those who were less qualified in order to supposedly level the playing field.

However, the fight isn't over as Americans can be sure that people like the Obama's are going to do everything they can to preserve the old broken system.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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