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 February 2, 2024

E. Jean Carroll goes on rant about gleeful plans for Trump's money, some allege attitude more evidence of fraud

E. Jean Carroll, the woman who accused former President Donald Trump of rape, attracted criticism for her gleeful rants about her plans for spending money she won from Trump in a defamation case.

Carroll was awarded millions by a leftist judge and jury who determined that Trump had defamed Carroll for defending himself from her rape accusations. Those rape accusations were not backed up by evidence but nonetheless Trump was found guilty of defamation.

The troubling precedent set by this case on its own should concern Americans. Carroll accused Trump of raping her, a false claim, and was awarded millions for it when he rightfully defended herself and called her out for slandering him.

Carroll's rape accusations didn't stand up in court mainly because there were no witnesses and her story kept changing.

Carroll was also bankrolled by a liberal billionaire which further demonstrated that the entire case was a political hit job. Carroll's celebrations were much more typical of someone who succeeded in defrauding the justice system than a rape victim who finally got justice.

Complete fraud

Following the verdict awarding millions to Carroll, a decision that Trump appealed, Carroll appeared for an interview with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow.

Carroll as also accompanied by her attorneys Roberta Kaplan and Shawn Crowley.

It turns out, having her attorney's on was important as they had to step in and take over the conversation after Carroll let the mask slip.

During the interview, Maddow asked Carroll "You’ve talked about using some of Trump’s money that you’re about to get to help shore up women’s rights. Do you know what that might be, what that might look like?"

Carroll responded saying, "I have such, such great ideas for all the good I’m going to do with this money. First thing, Rachel, you and I are going to go shopping. We’re going get completely new wardrobes, new shoes, a motorcycle for Crowley, a new fishing rod for Robbie. Rachel, what do you want?"

Maddow quickly realized that Carroll was making a massive mistake and promptly responded by saying "nothing." But by then, the damage had already been done and it quickly became apparent that Carroll's attitude was inconsistent with her claims that she was a traumatized victim.

Trump not done

Trump isn't done with Carroll and her gleeful celebration may have been premature. For starters, Trump succeeded in delaying his payment to Carroll until the appeals process is resolved.

Secondly, without a friendly judge and jury, Carroll's inconsistent story and lack of evidence against Trump may finally see justice done. Trump has been slandered and defamed by Carroll who has yet to present a shred of evidence to back up her claims.

In the end, it could be Carroll who finds herself on the wrong end of a judge's decision.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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