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By Mae Slater on
 October 5, 2024

Doug Emhoff Denies Allegations of Assaulting Ex-Girlfriend

Doug Emhoff, the second gentleman, has recently been the subject of an explosive accusation alleging an altercation during a trip to the Cannes Film Festival in 2012. Emhoff, through his representative, vehemently denies these accusations, which claim he slapped a previous girlfriend in a moment of anger.

A report by the Daily Mail accuses Emhoff of slapping his former partner in Nice, France, a claim that remains unverified by notable media organizations.

Fox News reported that according to the report, the incident took place in a valet line after an event, purportedly triggered by jealousy over the woman's interaction with a valet. The Daily Mail's account is based on statements from three unnamed sources, identified as friends of the alleged victim.

Accusations Stem from a 2012 Incident

The alleged altercation happened after a high-profile Cannes Film Festival event. The sources claim that Emhoff slapped his then-girlfriend, referred to as "Jane," when tensions flared in the early morning hours.

Eyewitness descriptions suggest the situation escalated around 3 a.m. Jane was reported to have sought quicker service by tipping a valet, which allegedly provoked Emhoff. The boyfriend’s response to the encounter reportedly escalated to a physical slap.

Each of these sources provided their version of the event, citing additional details. A female lawyer recalled Jane speaking in shock after the encounter, stating her disbelief over being slapped.

An executive who was reportedly present described Jane’s swift reaction to the slap. According to her account, Jane retaliated, standing up for herself quickly and forcefully.

Despite these detailed narratives, Emhoff has firmly pushed back against these claims. His representative has maintained that there is no validity to the report, insisting the incident never happened.

The controversy over this alleged incident arrives at a politically charged moment. Emhoff, who has been vocal during his appearances on media platforms, recently discussed reshaping ideas about masculinity.

Allegations Emerge During Politically Sensitive Time

The timing of the report may be significant, given the upcoming election and Emhoff’s role as the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris. The Daily Mail's decision to publish these allegations raises questions due to the proximity of the election.

A male businessman source recounted a conversation with Jane, where she reportedly told him her version of the incident. In his account, she shared details of the night and the emotions she felt in its aftermath.

In contrast to these claims, Emhoff’s own comments about his belief in supporting women stand in stark opposition. His statements emphasize the importance of mutual support in his life with Harris.

Despite past controversies, Emhoff continues to position himself as an advocate for women's rights. In a recent interview, he emphasized supporting gender equity, family leave, and childcare.

The focus on his personal history contrasts with his public advocacy. Emhoff seeks to project a message of equality and mutual respect in personal and professional realms.

While allegations like those from the Cannes trip may cast shadows on this image, Emhoff remains committed to refuting them. His representative's outright denial of the physical altercation offers a straightforward challenge to the published claims.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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