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 December 26, 2022

Donald Trump shreds Jan. 6 report in a revelatory video response

Former President Donald Trump just issued a video response that completely undermines the House Jan. 6 committee's narrative. 

In case you missed it, the partisan committee recently did two things: it made a criminal referral of Trump to the U.S. Department of Justice and it released an 814-page report containing the findings of its so-called investigation.

"The central cause of January 6th was one man, former President Donald Trump, who many others followed. None of the events of January 6th would have happened without him," the report reads.

The criminal referral contains four possible charges: obstructing an official proceeding of Congress, conspiracy to defraud the federal government, making a false statement, and inciting, assisting, or aiding and comforting an insurrection.

Members of the committee are also arguing that there are sufficient grounds for Congress to bar Trump - under Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution - from ever again holding office.

Trump responded to the committee's actions with a roughly five-minute video that he posted to his social media site, Truth Social. Take a look:

Trump begins, "For two years, as inflation skyrocketed, crime soared, the border was erased, Afghanistan was a disaster, and Joe Biden destroyed our country, the American people have been besieged with lies from the partisan witch hunt known as the unselect committee on Jan. 6."

The former president then goes on to highlight exonerative pieces of evidence that the committee has ignored. Trump noted:

The committee cut the part of my speech out where I encouraged protestors to make their voices heard peacefully and patriotically. Liz Cheney . . . deliberately omitted the part of my tweet where I told protestors to go home with love and in peace. They claimed that I did not respond within 187 minutes when, in fact, I issued a statement urging peace and respect for law enforcement within 25-minutes of the Capitol breach and another statement 30-minutes after that

Trump continues, "the real story is what the unselect committee did not mention in their fake trial - and this was really fake."

Trump went on to say that, "days before the protest," he "urged the deployment of 10,000 to 20,000 National Guard troops to keep the event safe for all involved - we wanted security. we wanted safety."

But, according to Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the mayor of Washington D.C. "refused." Trump says, "If they had listened to me, my recommendation, none of this would have happened, and you wouldn’t have heard about January 6 as we know it."

The former president adds that "the committee barely discussed the catastrophic security failures at the Capitol."

Trump, in conclusion, says, "The Unselect Committee will go down in history as a con job and a disgrace. They want to stop us from taking back our country, but they will fail, they will not win. We will make America great again."

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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