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 March 19, 2023

Donald Trump returns to Facebook after two year ban

Former President Donald Trump made his return to Facebook on Friday. 

"I'M BACK," Trump wrote. The former president also posted a video. Take a look:

According to Fox News, this 12-second video clip is from election night 2016, when Trump won the race against Hillary Clinton for the U.S. presidency.

Trump, in the video, can be seen standing at the podium, flanked by former Vice President Mike Pence and his son Barron Trump.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business,” Trump said.

Apparently, this is also Trump's answer to what took him so long to return to Facebook.

Trump, of course, was banned by Big Tech from his social media accounts over two years ago, following the Capitol protest of Jan. 6, 2021. Big Tech justified the bans by claiming that they were necessary in order to prevent further violence. Here, it is probably worth bringing up the final tweet that Trump posted to Facebook just before his ban in Jan. 2021:

I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!

How a message like this could incite violence is something that Big Tech still has not been able to explain. But, Trump was banned nonetheless.

During the intervening two years, Trump started his own social media site - Truth Social. Trump has been posting messages on the site regularly.

More recently, several Big Tech sites, including Twitter - under the new leadership of Elon Musk - and Facebook, decided to reinstate Trump's accounts. Many then began asking whether or not Trump would go back to posting messages on Twitter and Facebook. But, Trump insisted that he would not.

On Friday, however, Trump did return to Facebook with his first message on a Big Tech social media site since his ban in Jan. 2021. What prompted Trump to do so is not exactly clear.

In January - after it was revealed that Facebook would be lifting Trump's ban - a Trump spokesperson told Fox News that Facebook “will be an important tool for the 2024 campaign to reach voters.”

This appears to be the explanation for Trump's return, although Trump has not confirmed this. Either way, many of Trump's 34 million Facebook followers have made it clear that they are happy to have Trump back on Facebook. The question now is whether Trump will also go back to posting on Twitter. Time will tell.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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