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 October 11, 2023

Donald Trump promises to enact tariffs on foreign-made goods

Former President Donald Trump might be facing a mountain of upcoming legal challenges, but he continues to gain ground with working-class Americans. 

According to Breitbart, he and his campaign seem to be focusing on attracting blue-collar, hard-working Americans, as he vowed to place tariffs on all foreign imports in an attempt to save U.S. jobs.

His promise came via a campaign stop in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, earlier this week.

Trump has made previous promises of imposing tariffs on foreign-made goods, which drives the Biden administration absolutely bonkers. He made clear during the New Hampshire stop that he's interested in protecting jobs.

The former president argued that imposing the taxes on foreign countries will help bring sky-high taxes in the United States down for workers and small businesses.

"I will also pass the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act. If China or any other country makes us pay a 100 or 200 percent tariff, we will make them pay a reciprocal tariff of 100 or 200 percent right back. And as taxes on foreign countries go up, taxes on American workers, families, and small businesses will come down, and down dramatically," Trump said.

Even though Democrats hate the idea, research studies have proven that Trump's approach can result in massive benefits for the country overall.

One of those benefits is the creation of millions of good jobs.

Breitbart noted:

Research from the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) finds that imposing 15 percent tariffs on foreign imports overall, with 35 percent tariffs on products in vital supply chains, would create about 10 million American jobs and generate over $600 billion in new revenue.

According to the polls, Trump could get his wish, as he's not only dominating his closest competition for the Republican primary, but he's also beating President Joe Biden in several key battleground states.

Trump has also bested Biden in several 2024 hypothetical matchup polls.

Only time will tell if the country gets a rematch of the 2020 election.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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