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 June 6, 2023

Don Jr. claims Fox News insiders warned him to 'expect retaliation' for criticizing the firing of Tucker Carlson.

Donald Trump Jr. claims that he was warned by Fox News insiders that his criticism of the abrupt dismissal of top-rated host Tucker Carlson in late April did not sit well with network executives.

The eldest son of the former president claims he was warned to "expect retaliation" after he criticized the dismissal as foolish and accused senior executives of "censorship," according to The Conservative Brief.

In addition, he has not been invited onto the network in nearly nine months, according to the allegation.

“I’ve been watching the censorship happening even in conservative mainstream media,” Don Jr. said on the Steak for Breakfast podcast.

“I mean, you saw what sort of Fox did to Tucker Carlson, last week, and the week before that, it was Dan Bongino and, you know, the people who would actually question some of that narrative.”

“I’ve been sort of outspoken at America First [network] and I used to be on Fox 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 times a week. I haven’t been on in nine months. Not a call, not an invite, not anything.

"And so I understand what it, what it appears like they’re trying to do to the America First movement. You know, Tucker was another one of those voices,” Trump Jr. noted further, according to Mediaite.

Recently he posted to Twitter: “Have heard from a few of my friends at Fox News that the leftist executives running things there are pissed at me for calling them out over firing Tucker and to ‘expect retaliation.’

"A lot of good people still work at Fox, but their RINO leadership is at war with conservatives!”

The former president's son may have been referring to former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who took a position on the network's board of directors after leaving Congress and was reportedly involved in a decision to "move on" from then-President Trump.

That was following his claims that the 2020 election was "rigged" against him, according to a court document that was leaked to The New York Times last month regarding Fox's recent bombshell settlement with Dominion Voting Systems.

Fox News agreed to pay Dominion a record $787.50 for defamation, but the settlement did not include an apology to the voting election software company.

Meanwhile, Fox's ratings have taken a massive blow since the removal of Tucker Carlson, including for long-running programs such as "Hannity."

This week, the average audience for Sean Hannity's show, which peaked at 1.9 million last week, decreased to 1.3 million. The number of viewers for Hannity fell by approximately 600,000 to 1.3 million.

“Fox fired Carlson, its most-watched on-air presence, last month following a steady string of controversies and dwindling participation in his primetime show by premium advertisers. Fox News’ rating performance declined around 50% in the key adults 25-54 audience demo in the immediate aftermath of Carlson’s final April 21 show,” AdWeek reported.

Written By:
Charlotte Tyler

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