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 August 3, 2023

Dianne Feinstein skips San Francisco cable car anniversary due to health issues

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is going downhill quickly and it seems the 90-year-old Senator can no longer reliably make public appearances.

Feinstein recently skipped the 150th anniversary celebration of San Francisco's cable cars prompting concern from city residents. A spokesman later confirmed Feinstein had been unable to attend because of her health problems.

Feinstein's spokesman, Ron Eckstein, told the San Francisco Chronicle that "She is not feeling well and has a cough. She decided it was best to stay at home."

California's senior Senator is also the most senior member of the Senate as she is old enough to have clearly remembered World War II. Despite this, the Democrat Party has been unwilling to hear concerns about her being able to do her job.

Age limit poster Senator

Senator Feinstein should have been forced into retirement a decade ago, and now she is an example of why Congress is in desperate need of age limits.

Feinstein was hospitalized for months this spring to treat shingles and as such was not able to represent California in the Senate.

Worse, she was unable to get around on her own and was in a wheelchair as it seemed the fight against shingles took what little strength she had left.

It's not just Feinstein's physical health that is going downhill rapidly. Signs of neurological deterioration have begun to present themselves despite the efforts of her many aids in hiding her from the public.

In many ways, Feinstein's decline mirrors that of President Joe Biden. The issue is that the American public has been intentionally misled by the mainstream media that is determined to protect the Democrat Party.

Just last week, Feinstein appeared to be confused about what was happening during a vote in the Senate and began to deliver a speech before Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) came to the rescue and told her "Just say aye."

What sense does it make to have a Senator who is voting when she doesn't understand what is happening. Apparently, understanding what you are voting for is unnecessary for American Senators.

Time for change

The Feinsteins and the Bidens of American politics should have retired years ago. It is long past time for Congressional age limits but it seems unlikely that something like that will happen anytime soon.

Senator Chuck Grassley (D-IA) isn't far behind Feinstein while Senator's like Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY) are in their 80s and aging rapidly.

A Senator must be able to understand what they are voting on and understand what their constituents want. We cannot have geriatric Senators being corralled and controlled by un-elected aides and other Senators.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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