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 September 21, 2023

Democrats want the Supreme Court to adopt term limits

Democrats have been working for the past few years to undermine the conservative majority on the Supreme Court and their latest idea is to implement term limits.

Ever since former President Donald Trump created a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court, Democrats have suddenly decided that the Supreme Court is in desperate need of reforms.

Democrats have pushed for everything from new rules to packing the Supreme Court to wipe out the conservative majority.

However, those efforts have failed and now Democrats are pivoting to a new strategy to take out their biggest enemy in American politics.

The last hope

The conservative Supreme Court is the last barrier stopping Democrats from completely running roughshod over the Constitution.

The Brennan Center for Justice argued that, "staggered 18-year terms would bring regular turnover to the bench. The result would be a Court that better reflects prevailing public values."

Of course, that statement fails to consider that it is the job of the Supreme Court to stand in the way of public opinion and values and uphold the unchanging and static Constitution.

Representative Hank Johnson (D-GA) recently introduced the 18 year term limit plan to Congress in a bill titled the Supreme Court Tenure Establishment and Retirement Modernization, or TERM Act.

Democrats claim their desire to change the Supreme Court is driven by the will of the American people.

However, the reality of the situation is that Democrats have suffered great losses at the hands of the Supreme Court and they need friendly justices appointed by a Democrat President in order to advance their agenda.

While it seems that Democrats have little chance of changing the Supreme Court, Americans must understand that the Democrat Party will stop at nothing to gain more power and crush those who oppose them.

Insidious campaign

The good news is that the Supreme Court itself seems to recognize what Democrats are doing and have little interest in complying with their insidious campaign.

After Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) attempted to interfere in internal Supreme Court matters, Chief Justice John Roberts shot down his attempts to politicize the court and sent a message that the Supreme Court would not tolerate further interference.

With Congress evenly split and the Supreme Court not going down without a fight, the Supreme Court will remain the greatest safeguard that America has against the caustic corruption that the left is pushing.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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