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 September 4, 2023

Democrats 'shocked' by Trump's results in WSJ poll

The Wall Street Journal's new poll has Democrats in disbelief. 

What has the Democrats is disbelief is the fact that former President Donald Trump's lead in the polls has only grown in recent months despite the fact that, in those same months, he was indicted multiple times.

In case you missed it, the Journal released its new poll on Saturday. What it found is that Trump has the support of 59% of the surveyed Republican primary voters.

This puts Trump clearly at the top of the 2024 Republican presidential primary field. The second-place candidate - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) - trails Trump in the poll by a staggering 46 percentage points.

But, what makes the poll's results even more impressive is the fact that Trump's support and his lead over DeSantis has only grown since April 2023, which was the last time that this poll was taken.

Between April and August 2023, Trump's support in the Republican primary grew by 11 percentage points and his lead over DeSantis nearly doubled - despite the fact that Trump was indicted three times during this time frame.

Additionally, the poll found that Trump remains neck and neck with President Joe Biden in the 2024 general election.

These results were a topic of conversation on many of the mainstream media programs that took place over the weekend. And, many of the Democrats on these shows were just shocked that Trump continues to receive substantial support - despite the indictments.

One example took place on ABC's This Week. There, host George Stephanopoulos called the results of the Journal's poll "shocking."

"It is kind of shocking in a way, that despite all of the baggage that Donald Trump carries, he’s tied with Joe Biden right now," Stephanopoulos said. "With every passing month, with every new indictment, Donald Trump seems to be consolidating his control over the Republican Party."

Similar remarks were made by CNN's Jim Acosta over the weekend. He said, that, despite Trump's "four indictments…he is still tied with Joe Biden in the poll."

One final example is that of  New York Times White House correspondent Peter Baker, who during an appearance on MSNBC, said, "After the mugshot and four criminal indictments, you would think that President Biden would have [a] significant advantage, but apparently not."

"Apparently not" is right. The Democrats appear to be deflated by the fact that the attempted use of the criminal justice system to end Trump's political career simply is not working.

The worrying question, though, is what are the Democrats going to try next?

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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