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 October 16, 2023

Democrats concerned over Biden's age, health in reelection campaign

Democrats continue to express concern over President Joe Biden's age and health as he seeks as second term in the White House.

Multiple surveys have shown the majority of Democratic voters believe Biden is too old for a second term, with some of the party's senators sharing their doubts in recent interviews.

The concerns

“I think it’s important to confront it [worry],” Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) told Politico’s Jonathan Martin.

“I think you got to be as public as you possibly can in addressing issues, and that’s how you can settle it,” embattled Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) said about Biden’s age. “But it’s not going to be easy because he is [going to be] 82 years old.”

The polls

"Polls show a broad concern about his age going into a second term, with a survey last week from AP-NORC showing that 77 percent of Americans, including 69 percent of Democrats, believe Biden is too old to run for reelection," the Daily Mail reported.

"A Wall Street Journal poll out Monday had similar findings, with 73 percent of voters saying Biden is too old to run again, including two-thirds of Democrats," it continued.

Stumbling again

The concerns have also continued over Biden's health. He has experienced multiple falls during recent months, including tripping on a short set of stairs at a recent event.

He reportedly tripped three times on just three steps in the concerning speaking last week.

The health issues have also grown into more questions as the president has repeatedly disappeared on weekends to his Delaware home, has often lost track of his surroundings during speeches and has provided several gaffes during his remarks.

The 2024 campaign strategy will likely again be a "basement Biden" approach that limits his access to media to decrease the number of embarrassing events as he seeks another term.

If Biden wins another term, he would be 86 years old at its end. He is already the oldest serving president in the nation's history at 80.

Written By:
Dillon Burroughs

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