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 June 18, 2023

Democrats circling around Joe Biden “like vultures” because his career is almost over according to Republican Tudor Dixon

Tudor Dixon, the Michigan Republican who narrowly lost to Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer, stated that the vultures are circling around the White House in anticipation of President Biden's impending retirement.

During an interview with “Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla" on Friday, Tudor claimed that Democrats are gathering "like vultures" in anticipation of Joe Biden being forced to step down due to his health issues and advanced age. 

Tudor stated, "It’s like vultures. I really think that. I was talking about this the other day. I said it’s sort of like vultures circling him, like they know that it’s close to the end. What end? I’m not sure. Is it just the end of the presidency? Is it the end of something more? I don’t know what they think, but it really feels as though we’re being duped."

While the President may make it through the rest of his current term, it is a universal opinion that his health issues will force him to step down at some point in his potential second term.

Joe Biden is done

Tudor predicted that the potential vacuum that is forming could bring in prominent Democrats eager to capitalize on Biden's failing health and Vice President Kamala Harris's lack of popularity.

Tudor said, "Like everybody’s going, oh, you’re running against this guy with these really low poll numbers. But then it’s like, Gavin Newsom is going to come up with Gretchen Whitmer on his arm and they’re going to come out as a team, and everybody’s going to go, yeah, I really like them. They look good."

Should President Biden win the election in 2024, he will be 82 years old on inauguration day. That means he will be 86 in the highly unlikely scenario that he makes it through a second term.

The President's health has been on the decline since the primaries leading up to the 2020 election. From deteriorating mental capabilities to an apparent inability to control his body as evidence by his scary fall at the Air Force Academy graduation.

Democrats have talent outside of President Biden, talent that could be trusted to go against former President Donald Trump, who is leading the Republican field.

Conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt predicted that, "You do have [California Gov.] Gavin Newsom on the bench and warming up. He’s in the bullpen. Got a couple other Democrats out there."

Newsom is the future

California Governor Gavin Newsom is the future of the Democrat Party and he knows it, hence his insistence on weighing in on national issues.

Of course, there are risks with Newsom as it is hard to say how he will do on the national stage. California is a liberal stronghold and it doesn't take much for a Democrat to look like a star in one of the safest Democrat states.

There is no telling how he will do when Donald Trump pulls out his record and highlights Newsom's numerous scandals.

However, Democrats may not have a choice unless President Biden miraculously turns back the clock and regains his cognitive functions. The vultures are circling and it wouldn't be crazy to say that Gavin Newsom will step in to fill the power vacuum.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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