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 October 20, 2023

Democratic senator pushing bill to create Supreme Court justice term limits

A group of Democratic senators introduced a bill on Thursday to create term limits for Supreme Court justices.

The bill would add a new just every two years for up to 18 years before hearing a more limited number of cases.

Booker's statement

“The Supreme Court is facing a crisis of legitimacy that is exacerbated by radical decisions at odds with established legal precedent, ethical lapses of sitting justices, and politicization of the confirmation process,” Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) said in a statement.

“This crisis has eroded faith and confidence in our nation’s highest court. Fundamental reform is necessary to address this crisis and restore trust in the institution," he added.

The background

"Democrat Sens. Cory Booker, N.J.; Richard Blumenthal, Conn.; and Alex Padilla, Calif.; introduced the plan. The trio have been among the most vocal critics of the justices amid a string of reports focusing on their ethics disclosures or lack thereof," Just the News reported.

"Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, in particular, drew scrutiny over his longstanding friendship with GOP megadonor Harlan Crow," it continued.

Targeting conservatives

"If the bills were successful, the rule would affect two sitting justices: Clarence Thomas and Chief Justice John Roberts. Thomas is one of two sitting judges that has served over 18 years," the Washington Examiner reported.

"Thomas has been on the high court for 31 years and has not indicated he’ll step down anytime soon despite calls from Democrats for his resignation amid recent ethics troubles. Roberts hit the 18-year mark at the end of September and has not spoken about giving up his role as leader of the highest court," it noted.

The bill is another step in the left's push to fight back against the current conservative majority in the nation's highest court.

Democrats have continued to attack the current system since former President Donald Trump nominated three justices in four years to strengthen the conservative majority.

The bill is unlikely to win in its current form but shows the ongoing push by Democrats against the Supreme Court when the numbers are not in its favor.

Written By:
Dillon Burroughs

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