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 June 26, 2023

Comer asserts that the legal team for Hunter Biden is intimidating witnesses: 'They fear for their lives'

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee has made a startling claim about whistleblowers and other witnesses who have testified before his committee regarding President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

According to the Kentucky Republican, he has received credible allegations that Joe Biden's legal team is harassing and even menacing committee witnesses, as The Conservative Brief reported.

“We’ve got witnesses that are scared to death to come forward. They fear for their lives,” he told the Just the News podcast last week.

Comer expressed concern regarding the intimidation of witnesses within his district, highlighting the fact that high-ranking Democratic Party officials exert pressure on institutions that have complied with subpoenas issued by his Oversight and Accountability Committee.

The chairman of the committee expressed grave concern over the legal letters and implied threats sent to witnesses by supporters of Hunter Biden.

According to reports, cooperating institutions have been subjected to threats, and political attack campaigns have been funded in the districts of certain legislators investigating allegations of Biden family influence peddling.

“The Hunter Biden legal team — they’re testing the limits,” Comer said. “I’ll put it like that with respect to witness intimidation. I mean, just look in my district.

"We’ve got dark money groups that are being funded through prominent high-ranking Democrat officials in Congress. Also the communications director for the White House continues to retweet things trying to intimidate me for having the audacity to investigate.

“We’ve got witnesses that are scared to death to come forward. They fear for their lives. I mean, you’ve got the banks that have worked with us, they’re being squeezed by attorneys, by high-ranking officials in the Democrat Party for having the nerve to work with us to comply with our subpoenas,” he added.

Just the News added: “As the actions play out, there are growing questions in Washington whether the DOJ probe is narrowly focused on tax transactions from 2018 forward instead of earlier deals dating to 2014 that involved Russia, China and Ukraine.”

During a Saturday interview with Newsmax, Comer provided an update on the panel's ongoing investigations into the president and his family regarding alleged influence-peddling schemes, stating that Republican investigators have obtained a wealth of new information involving financial transfers from several additional countries.

“We have bank records that came in this week that we’re going through that we think are going to show more [money wire transfers] from more countries,” Comer said. “Remember, we just disclosed two countries thus far: China and Romania. There are still some more Chinese wires that we have yet to present to the American people.

“And there are a lot of wires, mysterious wires from Ukraine and Russia, that we’re about to expose. So, this is just the beginning for the Bidens. All the Department of Justice is doing is standing in our way,” he said, adding that despite all of the obstacles being put up by various federal agencies, including the FBI, “we are still producing results every day that shows this family, the president of the United States’ family, has received millions and millions of dollars from our adversaries all over the world, and they can’t explain why.”

“They can’t explain what they did to produce that money,” he noted further.

Written By:
Charlotte Tyler

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