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 September 10, 2023

CNN's Van Jones: 'Grandpa' Biden is 'in real trouble'

CNN's Van Jones just raised concern about President Joe Biden's reelection chances. 

Van Jones did so on Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023, during an appearance on CNN's This Morning. 

"A lot of people are terrified that Joe Biden is in real trouble and that you can’t talk about it," Jones said.

He continued, "Today, I think a lot of Democrats look at these [poll] numbers and say, the whispers are finally showing up in this data. People are talking behind their hands. They worry about Joe Biden."

Jones, here, is referring to several polls that have just come out recently. Suffice it to say that the results have been especially bad for Biden.

"A poll published by The Wall Street Journal earlier this week found that 73% of voters consider Biden to be too old to run for president again, including two-thirds of Democrats," the Daily Wire reports.

The outlet adds, "The concerning results for Democrats came on the heels of an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll that found 77% of voters, including 69% of Democrats, feel the president is too old."

But, there is more. A newly released CNN poll is especially troublesome for Biden.

The poll shows Biden's approval rating at 39%. It shows that only 28% believe that Biden "inspires confidence," only 26% said that Biden "has the stamina and sharpness to serve effectively as president," and only 33% said that Biden "is someone you are proud to have as president."

Perhaps even more problematic, however, is the fact that all of these percentages are headed in the wrong direction. And, some of them are at all-time lows.

Jones went on to liken Biden to a "grandpa."

Jones said:

Joe Biden’s like that grandpa that you love, that you believe in, you owe a lot, but you start to wonder, you know, would you give this grandpa a high-stress job for six more years, or would you want something else for him?That’s what’s being talked about. And people are scared to come out and say anything about it. But, I think it’s important for us to have this conversation now.

Jones went on to suggest that this could be Biden's rock bottom, and that, if this is the case, then Biden will only be improving in the polls as time goes on and we get closer and closer to the 2024 presidential election.

It sounds a lot like wishful thinking, but time will tell whether or not this is indeed the case.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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