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 August 20, 2023

CNN's Jake Tapper admits Trump 'was right'

Jake Tapper, the well-known CNN host and Washington correspondent, just admitted that former President Donald Trump "was right" about something, Fox News reports.  

This is a news item that legitimately could be called "shocking." No sane person would expect the anti-Trump Tapper on the anti-Trump CNN to make such an admission.

In fact, no one would believe Tapper actually said this if it was not caught on camera - and, even then, there are probably some who will, understandably, have doubts.

But, the admission was caught on camera. It came during a segment of CNN's broadcast of The Lead on Thursday, Aug. 17, 2023. Tapper was joined in the segment by Jeff Zeleny.

So, what was Trump right about?

Trump, according to Tapper, was right about the fact that President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, has taken money from the likes of China.

Tapper said:

I mean, Trump was right. I mean, he did make a fortune from China, and Joe Biden was wrong. I don't know that he was lying about it. He might not have been told by Hunter. But this blind spot is a problem

What Tapper was specifically referring to, here, was an exchange that took place between Trump and Biden during the presidential debates in 2020.

Trump said, "Once you became vice president he [Hunter Biden] made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow, and various other places."

Biden replied, "That is not true."

The only thing is that the evidence is now indisputable that Hunter Biden did take money from the likes of China. In fact, the evidence is so indisputable that Glenn Kessler - the Washington Post fact checker - even had to admit it.

Kessler wrote:

But now, nearly three years later, Biden’s assertions have been directly rebutted by Hunter himself. In court testimony last week, the younger Biden acknowledged that he in fact had been paid substantial sums in China — the first official confirmation that this was the case.

During the CNN segment, Tapper brought all of this up, and, it was in doing so that Tapper admitted that "Trump was right" and that "Biden was wrong."

To place Tapper's comments in the larger context of the segment, the segment was about the possibility that President Biden may have a "blind spot" regarding the notorious business dealings of his son, Hunter, and about the possibility that this "blind spot" could come back to cost Biden in the 2024 presidential election. We'll see.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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