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 June 11, 2023

Boris Johnson quits Parliament and complaining about 'kangaroo court'

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson has made serious allegations about the impartiality and intentions of those leading an investigation against him.

The longtime British lawmaker also took shots at the poor leadership of his successor Rishi Sunak in a letter announcing his immediate resignation from Britain’s Parliament Friday, according to a report by Breitbart News.

There is a “witch hunt” trying to reverse Brexit by personally destroying Boris Johnson, the former Prime Minister said as he announced his immediate withdrawal from the House of Commons.

“I am now being forced out of parliament by a tiny handful of people, with no evidence to back up their assertions”, Johnson said, remarking he was leaving Parliament “for now”.

Johnson has been investigated by the Privileges Committee of the House of Commons, which allegedly concluded that he misled the House of Commons and recommended that he be barred from the chamber for ten days.

Instead of accepting this sanction, Johnson, who maintains he is absolved of misleading the house, has resigned, citing a matter of principle.

Johnson wrote that the intent of the Committee investigating him was not to maintain discipline in the House, but rather to enact a vendetta against him due to political differences.

He argued that the Committee had chosen to ignore the truth on purpose because from the outset, their goal was not to seek the truth:

Johnson wrote: “they have wilfully chosen to ignore the truth because from the outset their purpose has not been to discover the truth… Their purpose from the beginning has been to find me guilty, regardless of the facts. This is the very definition of a kangaroo court.”

Johnson stated that committee members, including the committee chair, veteran left-leaning politician Harriet Harman, had made "deeply prejudicial remarks about my guilt" and that a supposedly politically neutral civil servant who investigated him had gone on to take a prominent position in the Labour party.

This "witch hunt" was underway, according to Johnson, because some wanted "revenge" for him delivering on the 2016 Brexit referendum by reversing the outcome with a "political hitjob" against him.

Rishi Sunak, Johnson's successor, was also in his sights, albeit less directly. He noted that Sunak was significantly behind Johnson in recent polls and referred to his historic victory in the 2019 general election, Johnson stated that the Conservative Party needed to reduce taxes and regain its "mojo" in order to regain power.

Referring to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's uneventful voyage to Washington D.C. this week, during which he said he wouldn't even bother bringing up a UK-U.S. free trade agreement, Johnson lamented that the concept had been "passively abandoned."

Boris Johnson was removed from office in July 2022 due to concerns regarding his management of the Coronavirus quarantine. Chief among them were allegations that he had violated his own closure regulations by holding social work events in his government offices, which was otherwise prohibited at the time.

In his letter today, he criticized Sunak for failing to capitalize on the promise of Brexit. However, Johnson is readily culpable of the same, having failed to sign a free trade agreement, reduce taxes, or repair the immigration system during his time in office.

Written By:
Charlotte Tyler

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