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 May 21, 2024

Biden Slips Up, Claims He Was Vice President During Pandemic

In a surprising statement, President Joe Biden claimed he served as vice president during the pandemic, which is strange because Biden had been out of office for four years by that point.

Fox News reported that Biden mistakenly stated his vice presidency role during the pandemic at an NAACP event in Michigan, attributing his involvement to a directive from Barack Obama.

Speaking at an NAACP campaign event in Michigan, Biden stirred the audience with his assertion that during the COVID-19 pandemic, former President Barack Obama tasked him with leading the response in Detroit.

This claim conflicts with actual timelines, as Joe Biden's vice presidency under Obama ended in January 2017, while the pandemic began in 2019 during Trump's presidency.

Background of Biden's Comment

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan was present at the event, seated next to Biden. The setting was highly political, with Biden using the platform to also criticize former President Trump and his policies.

Biden linked personal history and professional duty as he recounted being sent by Obama to aid Detroit, a city significant to his family given his father’s automotive industry background.

Besides his pandemic-related remarks, Biden reminisced about his younger days working alongside civil rights activists, emphasizing his long-standing commitment to civil rights and social justice issues.

The focus of Biden's speech soon shifted towards vehement criticism of Donald Trump. He accused the former president and his supporters of attempting to undermine the progress made on various fronts, including civil liberties.

Biden did not hold back on his disdain for Trump’s handling of the pandemic, ridiculing the previous administration's pandemic response. He specifically referred to controversial comments made by Trump about potential remedies, saying, "We will never forget him lying about how serious the pandemic was, telling Americans ‘just inject bleach’ – I think that's what he did. I think that's why he's so screwy."

The speech also addressed the aftermath of the 2020 election. Biden highlighted the refusal of Trump to concede defeat as a significant factor contributing to the events of January 6th. His remarks encapsulated the ongoing tensions and divisions within U.S. politics, evident from his audience’s reactions.

Biden's query about Trump's potential judicial appointments, "Do you think he'll put anybody [there] who has a brain?", further punctuated his critical stance on Trump’s influence on the U.S. judicial system and its potential long-term impacts.

Implications of Biden’s NAACP Address

President Biden's address at the NAACP event was supposed to be a win for his campaign but it was marred by factual inaccuracies regarding his vice-presidential tenure.

Biden’s speech summarized the critical issues at stake, from public health to civil rights, setting a definitive tone for his ongoing campaign efforts against what he terms the extreme actions of "MAGA Republicans."

But while Biden screeches about MAGA and former President Donald Trump, his mind continues to deteriorate and his age continues to become an issue.

Written By:
Christina Davie

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