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 March 16, 2024

Biden promoted aids involved in classified docs debacle

President Joe Biden actually promoted some of his aides who were involved in his classified documents debacle.

This is according to a new report from the New York Post, titled, President Biden promoted top staffers involved in classified docs bungling within 24 hours of special counsel's damning report. 

The special counsel referred to by the Post is Robert Hur.

After investigating the classified documents incident, Hur concluded that Biden "willfully retained and disclosed classified materials." But, Hurr chose not to prosecute Biden because, in his view, a jury would be unlikely to find Biden guilty because he is "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

Promotions all around

The Post reports that, just after the release of Hur's report, Biden promoted several of his staffers who were involved in the classified documents debacle.

"Top aides to President Biden involved in his mishandling of classified documents were given plum promotions within 24 hours of the release of special counsel Robert Hur’s damning report, The Post has learned," the outlet reports.

It continues, "Annie Tomasini, a Biden staffer since his Senate days, was named a deputy White House chief of staff on Feb. 8 — and the next day Richard Ruffner moved into Tomasini’s old gig as director of Oval Office operations."

The Post goes on to provide background information on both Tomasini and Ruffner, showing that they both have long histories working with Biden - histories that continue to the present day.

Biden, evidently, was trying to keep their promotions from the public.

Hur's testimony

Hurr recently testified before the House Judiciary Committee about his investigation of Biden's classified documents scandal. There, he stood firmly behind his report.

The special counsel, during his testimony, clarified several points, including that he did not "exonerate" Biden of wrongdoing.

After a Democratic congresswoman attempted to claim that Hurr's report exonerates Biden, Hur shot back, "Congresswoman, that is one statute that we analyzed. I need to go back and make sure that I take note of the word that you used. Exoneration."

He continued, "That is not a word that I used in the report and that is not part of my task as a prosecutor. The judgment that I received and that I ultimately reached was relating to whether sufficient evidence existed such that the likely outcome would be a conviction."

While this is all going on, former President Donald Trump continues to be prosecuted - by Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ) - for his alleged mishandling of classified documents after leaving the White House. Supporters of Trump - and even some who are not supporters of Trump - have claimed that this is clear evidence of a two-tier justice system.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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