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 October 26, 2023

Biden Admin lets in hundreds of thousands of migrants with new CBP One app

The Biden administration has allowed hundreds of thousands of additional migrants to cross the southern border through its new CBP One app.

The House Committee on Homeland Security claims the administration is abusing its authority by allowing nearly every migrant using the app to stay in the U.S.

The numbers

"Documents obtained by the House Committee on Homeland Security after months of stonewalling by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reveal 95.8 percent of all migrant applicants seeking admission to pursue asylum claims are admitted and released into the United States," Breitbart News reported.

"The migrants are released with minimal vetting, the documents reveal. The documents covered the period between January and September 2023 and show 266,846 of 278,431 migrants were allowed entry into the United States, a percentage far greater than recorded asylum case approvals by immigration courts," it added.

The abuse

“Secretary Mayorkas has utterly abused the CBP One app in his quest for open borders,” said Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) in a statement.

“These numbers are proof that Mayorkas’ operation is a smokescreen for the mass release of individuals into this country who would otherwise have zero claim to be admitted," he added.

Concerning nations

"In total, 94% of the 20,948 Russians who scheduled appointments through CBP One secured parole," Just the News reported.

"Of Afghan applicants, 93% of the 246 secured entry to the U.S. Ninety-seven percent of the 57,381 Venezuelans secured admission," it noted.

The report comes as the Biden administration has repeatedly stated that the border is secure. The CBP One app numbers reveal evidence that disputes these claims.

The recent war in Israel and threats from Hamas and Iran against the U.S. has added to fears of terrorists seeking to cross the southern border to enter the country.

The statistics from the Biden administration's app shows that this concern is being addressed too late, with much need for change to better protect the nation's citizens.

Written By:
Dillon Burroughs

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