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 May 6, 2023

Barack Obama's foundation likely stored classified documents illegally

A report from the America First Legal group found that former President Barack Obama's foundation likely illegally stored classified documents after he left the White House.

The report found that the documents were taken and stored at a private facility at Hoffman Estates in Illinois after Obama ended his term in 2016. The foundation had an agreement with the National Archives to store documents to conform with their “archival storage standards."

However, there was no verification that the Obama Foundation conformed to standards causing the AFL to conclude there is a high probability that they illegally stored classified information.

The AFL also found that the Obama Foundation paid the National Archives a massive $3,300,000 which the AFL says asserts creates “the appearance of a conflict of interest, if NARA looked the other way upon learning that the Obama Foundation was illegally storing classified records."

Suspicious behavior

The Democrat Party's fixation on former President Donald Trump's alleged crimes is meant to distract from the actions of Obama and President Joe Biden, who also improperly stored classified documents.

The difference is the FBI and the Department of Justice are looking the other way when it comes to allegations of improper handling of classified documents on the part of Democrats.

Donald Trump doesn't enjoy such immunity and as such has had to deal with the FBI raiding his home and an extensive legal battle that will cost millions while providing Democrats with ammunition going into 2024.

With the FBI uninterested in investigating these allegations, the AFL has been forced to do everything on its own.

The AFL filed a Freedom of Information Act request on April 28 with the National Archives as well as all documentation concerning the agreement between the Obama Foundation and the National Archives.

The National Archives has denied any sort of payment occured “to help convert the Hoffman Estates facility to cover some of the expenses of moving the classified records, but the foundation has never had possession or control over the records."

Two-tier justice system

The mainstream media has been similarly uninterested in investigating the behavior of the Obama foundation even as they cheer on the FBI's raid of Donald Trump's home.

The battle over President's and ex-President's handling of classified documentation will be a big one in the 2024 presidential race. The only question is will the American people see through the smoke and mirrors that the media is using.

There is no doubt that we are living in a nation where there is a two-tier justice system that discriminates based on political alighnment.

Obama has kept a low profile since he left office and that could be to keep unwanted attention off of his sketchy dealings. Hopefully, the AFL will be able to get to this bottom of this story and Americans will get the truth.


Written By:
Robert Hoel

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