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 August 4, 2023

Barack Obama advising Joe Biden's campaign, warns of Trump's growing campaigning strength

Former President Barack Obama has apparently been advising President Joe Biden's reelection campaign and reportedly warned Biden about former President Donald Trump's campaigning strength.

The Washington Post reported that during lunch with Biden at the White House in June where Obama reportedly warned that Biden should not underestimate Trump as he would likely be stronger than expected.

So far, polls support that assumption as Trump seems unstoppable despite the multiple indictments he is fighting.

Even with everything Democrats have thrown at him, Trump is the undisputed top candidate and unless something major changes, he will be the Republicans nominee for President.

Trump is unstoppable

Obama has promised to “do all he could” do for President Biden reelection campaign, but it may not be enough to save Biden next year.

In the span of three years, Donald Trump has resurrected a political career that many thought was over.

The aftermath of the 2020 presidential election had many convinced that Trump's short reign in politics was over.

So Democrat strategists are scrambling to find a way to slow Trump down since three different indictments haven't stopped him from pulling right in line with President Biden in national polls.

Obama adviser Eric Schulz told the Washington Post that Obama is trying to "place a huge emphasis on finding creative ways to reach new audiences, especially tools that can be directly tied to voter mobilization or volunteer activations. We are deliberate in picking our moments because our objective is to move the needle."

Biden campaign spokesperson T.J. Ducklo told the Washington Post that the President, "looks forward to once again campaigning side-by-side with President Obama to win in 2024 and finish the job for the American people."

It remains to be seen how much good Obama can do for President Biden. Obama's image has soured significantly since he left office and many issues that Americans have with Biden, they also have with Obama.

Wrong priorities

Democrats have seemingly lost their grasp on what Americans are really concerned with going into 2024.

President Biden's economic performance has been abysmal and Americans are unhappy with their quality of life. However, President Biden is ignoring those issues in favor of talking about Trump and his alleged misdeeds.

The issue there is Americans are sharply divided on Trump and at this point not many minds will be changed. The Democrat Party simply has the wrong priorities and that alone could hand Trump the presidency next year.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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