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 October 20, 2023

Author Alexander Marlow blasts President Biden for playing politics instead of firmly standing behind Israel

Author Alexander Marlow slammed President Joe Biden for downplaying the situation in Israel in an effort to salvage his approval ratings, Breitbart reported. Marlow, who penned the recently released "Breaking Biden," said the president's Oval Office address Thursday was nothing more than "cynical politicking and narrative setting."

"I spent over a year trying to get inside Joe Biden’s brain while researching for my New York Times bestselling book, 'Breaking Biden,' and in that time, I learned a few of his moves. One of them is that he tries to shift the political focus to something more favorable for him when his back is against the wall," Marlow said.

"That’s what he tried to do tonight," he added. Marlow believes that Biden's eagerness to discuss the war in Ukraine was a transparent attempt to pivot away from the brutal conflict between Israel and Hamas that reveals the president's weakness and incompetence.

Biden wanted to steer the conversation away from atrocities like "Hamas rockets, decapitated babies, and American hostages" and instead focus attention on Ukraine. "His political instincts told him to try to switch gears," Marlow said.

"He did that in his speech tonight. It was not only clumsy, it was offensive," the author charged.

Marlow said the speech was "attempted hoodwinking" as it was supposed to be about Israel but mostly became a pitch for Ukraine by linking the two.  Biden insinuated to "Americans that if you support Israel’s war for its own survival, you must also support limitless taxpayer resources being sent to Ukraine – after those funds make a pit stop in the bank accounts of U.S. defense contractors, of course."

Biden tried to make a case for funding the war in Ukraine by spring boarding off of the terror attack against Israel. "Yes, duplicitous Joe used dead Jews as an excuse to give a speech about Ukraine funding — from the Oval Office, no less."

Of course, the two couldn't be further apart in importance as Israel is a political ally and a religious touchstone for many Americans, Marlow contended. Still, Biden is attempting to use the troubles in Israel to sell further involvement in Ukraine.

"The thought that helping Israel stave off extinction is conditional on sending another bag of goodies to grifters in Ukraine isn’t just totally bogus, it is, again, offensive. If we’re going to tie anything to Israel funds, it should be other issues of urgent national security importance like solidifying our border; but we know Joe doesn’t actually want a secure border," Marlow said.

The author also believes Biden is interested in bolstering the "military-industrial complex" as are many in his administration, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, are enriched by war. "Joe loves to fund the defense industry because that’s where past and future cabinet officials go to bag cash between stints running our government," Marlow said.

Biden's speech included appeals for "missiles for air defense, batters made in Arizona," as well as "artillery shells made in 12 countries [sic] in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, and so much more." The president made it seem "patriotic" to pour taxpayer dollars into the "ever-expanding security state," Marlow claimed.

"Using the death of Israelis and Americans, especially children, to shake the can for the defense industry was not merely a little too on the nose, it was grotesque," Marlow said. The author noted that Biden did this as he warned against Islamophobia in a "dog whistle to extremists in his political base" despite the fact that Jews were the ones targeted this time.

Biden's political prospects are sinking fast, and he is grasping at anything he can to try to recover. As Marlow pointed out, Biden's use of the situation is horribly tone-deaf, transparent, and despicable.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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