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 September 8, 2023

Appeals Court allows Texas to keep Rio Grande barriers in place as legal battle plays out

An appeals court granted a temporary stay Thursday that will allow Texas to keep its floating marine barriers in the Rio Grande, the Washington Examiner reported. This came a day after a federal judge had ordered the buoys removed as of Sept. 15.

A federal court had ordered the buoys removed from the river in a decision Wednesday. However, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott appealed immediately for the sake of his state and its border security.

Texas has been inundated by illegal immigrants, thanks to President Joe Biden's lax border policies. The Lone Star State is left largely on its own as the federal government refuses to do anything about it.

Abbott has been forced to use several methods to curb illegal immigration, including placing the buoys and razor wire along the river that borders Mexico. Of course, this practice has once again put the Texas Republican in the crosshairs.

In July, a state trooper filed a report stating that these new techniques were harming some border crossers. The report stated that there were injuries and even deaths associated with these new methods, an assertion that gained traction in the national media.

However, officials at the border in Texas are facing record numbers of illegal immigrants and are becoming increasingly desperate, Fox News reported. Border Patrol agents at Eagle Pass, the area where the buoys were installed, recorded 270,000 encounters this fiscal year.

For years, border states have taken the brunt of financial and humanitarian costs associated with illegal immigration. Meanwhile, so-called sanctuary cities and states have paid lip service to their willingness to take all comers.

Now, that mindset is rapidly changing as places like New York City are finally forced to make good on those promises. Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams recently warned that the influx of migrants will "destroy New York City," in a complete reversal of his previous stance about illegal immigration, the Daily Wire reported.

In a move that nobody saw coming, even the ladies of "The View" are conceding that migrants should be "resettled elsewhere" as the city is brought to its knees by the influx. Joy Behar asked her fellow hosts whether Adams's claim that there were "100,000 migrants in New York City now and people keep coming" was enough to justify turning people away.

Of course, they piled on Adams and excused the problem as being related to climate change, war, and whatever else rather than pointing the finger at Biden for his open-borders policy. Sunny Hostin said illegal immigration is due to people fleeing "war-torn" countries to come to the U.S.

She complained that "this country with its big Statue of Liberty, ‘give me your weak,’ and all of this is supposed to the country that accepts people" is now struggling to handle them. Hostin also said she was "disappointed in Mayor Adams."

Ana Navarro dismissed the gravity of the situation of a porous southern border and proposed "cooperation" over practical solutions like a border wall or river buoys. "This is not a federal problem," Navarro claimed.

"This is not an American problem. This is a regional problem. This is a world problem," she continued. "What we need is legislation. We need cooperation with other countries… so not everybody comes to the United States," Navarro said. "They [illegal immigrants] need to be resettled elsewhere."

Everyone agrees that something needs to be done to stem the tide of people flooding into the U.S. illegally, as Biden lets it happen. Perhaps the buoys are controversial, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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